Very interesting and important letter to Eliezer Geller from Nathan Schwalb. In the letter, Schwalb talks about family, work, deliveries of packages for families, Dov Hoz accident and the TOPOROL organization during the war.

Dated and signed

*For the full content of the letter in English/ Hebrew, please contact me by private message. 

Place: Geneva

Date: 18/1/1941

Language: German

Eliezer "Ganik" Geller (1916 ā€“1943)

Was a member of the leadership of the Gordonia movement, active in

the IL organization and commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. He survived

the uprising, but perished in the Auschwitz camp.

Nathan Schwalb (1908 - 2004)

Was a Zionist activist who worked in Switzerland during the Holocaust, the representative of the world center of the Halutz movement in Geneva.

During World War II

Due to the outbreak of the war, Schwalbe established a new world center of the "Pioneer" in Geneva. He sat in Geneva as a representative of the "World Pioneer" movement and was a contact person and a source of financial aid for the Jews. He corresponded with hundreds of people in the occupied countries and worked in many fields, including sending packages through the Red Cross, mainly to Poland and transferring money by messengers he recruited for this purpose.

Schwalb tried to maintain contact with the activists of the "Pioneer" movement in the territories occupied by the Nazis, to give them help and to collect and disseminate information about what was happening in these territories regarding the Jews. Among other things, he received reports from Gizzy Fleishman on the situation of the Jews in Slovakia.

Schwalbe corresponded with many personalities such as Sally Meyer and Joe Schwartz of the Joint and Dr. Avraham Silberschein of RELICO (Relief Committee for the Warstricken Jewish Population), as well as with institutions such as the International Red Cross. He was also interested in the issue of the Jewish refugees in Switzerland. Schwalbe forged connections with influential Swiss such as politicians, policemen and churchmen. With their help he was able to prevent the return of Jewish children to Germany, children who had previously fled to Switzerland. He was arrested twice for illegal activities.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and many more items.
