A similar ball just sold at auction for $1800 .

Musselburgh Antique Gutty Golf Ball Unhit Pristine Condition 1894 JD Clarke Make.


J & D Clark Particularly known for their gutty ball manufacture, there were, in fact three Clark brothers, all, at some time, apprentices to Willie Park. The company was James and David (eldest brother, Peter, emigrating to New York to become first professional at the Century Country Club in 1898).

David was a fine player and the Edinburgh Evening News in 1897 records him playing against Mungo Park, Willie Park’s wee brother over six rounds (72 holes) of Musselburgh and North Berwick for £25.

J & D Clark were clubmakers to Dunbar Golf Club until 1899. David emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1916 and was professional at the Scranton Country Club. James, the youngest was an assistant to J H Taylor at Royal Mid-Surrey.

The advertisement is from the 1898 USGA monthly magazine. Having purchased an advert, by pure chance, the editor happens to mention in his column, ‘From Philadelphia I hear very good reports of the “Musselburgh” ball. They have the advantage of being well seasoned and more than one golf club has practically adopted them exclusively. E. K. Tryon, Jr, & Co. are the sole agents for them in this country.'

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