Per Ebay this is a tangible item and there are no guarantees that Penny

will reveal herself to you. And I will not be responsible for any actions she does or does not

Her name is Penny was given to me by another haunted vessel collector I have had Penny now for over three years Penny stands with her rocking chair 10 1/2 inches tall 7 inches wide she has a beautiful blue velvet dress on when I got penny from another collector the woman was up in her age she told me that she was getting too old for her vessels and that a lot of them keep her up at night and keep her on her toes 24 seven Penny was one of them what we got from Penny she was in her mid-30s when she passed away she lets us know that something was wrong with her it was a sickness she knew she was going to pass away but she wanted to stay so she said that she search for the perfect vessel to put her spirit in and this is a vessel she chose Penny loves music Penny loves to be the center of attention she does not like to be kept in a box or locked in a room or a cabinet she likes to be displayed and she is perfectly fine if you display her but if you forget every now and then about her she does act up lately I have notice because I’ve been working a lot for the last past four months she has been very active in my home in the night time you will hear her music box going off she has a music box in her and you were here it playing in the middle of the night also sometimes you can hear the rocking of her chair along with stomping she does like to move things and hide things that is her specialty hiding things in couple of days later they would be right there in front of your face and you know it was not there when you first started looking for it she does get along great with other vessels she gets along great with cats. When it comes to Dogs she likes to keep her distance my son has a dog and when he comes over and brings the dog at first the dog would sniff her and nothing would happen as time went on if my son comes over with his dog he would go to sniffer her then my son‘s dog would just run and literally his hair is standing up and he will stay far away from her as he can while he’s there in my house visiting Penny also loves to play with the blinds on the windows she loves to pull them up loves to make the move so hard that you hear banging you could go in the room where she’s at and you could actually see the window blinds moving she also likes to move rugs throw rugs for some reason she likes to punch them up I recommend you close your bathroom door when not in use because she loves to go through your stuff I highly recommend Penny for an experience vessel haunted collector the one thing she loves to do the most is sit and rock and play her music she does that constantly it goes off by itself if you would like to know more about Penny please let me know please keep in mind Penny is not a toy