1.25inch/2inch Optolong L-Pro Filter for Astronomy Telescope


Fine-optically polishing for double-sides—— Ensure accurate λ/4 wavefront and <30 seconds parallalism over the both surfaces

Ultrasonic wave cleaning substrate with purified water—— Cleanup by 13 purified water tank to remove inpurities and dust effectively

Iro source assisted coating—— For durability and resistance to scratching, as well as stability on CWL (central wavelength) no deviation affected by temperature change.

Constantly stringent quality testing processes—— Each filter was tested by spectrophotometer and laser interferometer testing spectrum and wavefront to ensure market filter is qualified product


· Tpeak: T>90%

· Spectrum: 380-750nm

· Optical Density: Light pollution emission is blocked 90%

· Surface Quality: 60/40

· Transmitted Wavefront RMS: λ/4

· Parallelism (arcsec): 30s


Package Details

·  1x 1.25inch/2inch Optolong L-Pro Filter
