The Ultimate Audio Experience

This AC power filter/conditioner offering both filtering and direct modes for various audio equipments.  Ability to adjust the placement of the plug according to one's equipment and musical tastes adds a playful element for all audiophiles to experience.

Filtering Mode:

  • Smooth midrange, quiet background, beautiful vocals.
  • Suitable for: TV, screens, signal sources, preamps, streaming devices.

Direct Mode

Special Features:

  • Anodized aluminum housing for color longevity.
  • Industrial-grade copper alloy sockets tightly fitted, comparable to medical-grade sockets.
  • Front panel with voltage and ampere dual display meters for monitoring household electricity.
  • Rear switch for controlling total power supply and over-voltage protection function.

Enhanced Dynamics: Allowing the music to be reproduced with natural tonal balance and authenticity.

Long-Term Reliability: A worthwhile investment for audiophiles seeking high-quality audio reproduction.

Upgrade your system today for unparalleled performance and reliability