Contax Carl Zeiss Planar  50mm 1.4 AEJ  standard lens in excellent condition!

Mechanically and optically super smooth

Beautiful lens with amazing bokeh

NB:  the aperture blades, when used via an adapter on digital are occasionally a bit slow to stop down. It happens only rarely and then you just need to turn the aperture ring once or twice to get it working again.  I haven’t experienced this problem when used on a film camera, however.

Adaptable to most mirrorless camera systems and, conveniently, to Canon DSLRs and film SLRs

In excellent shape mechanically and optically: lens elements and aperture blades superb – see images!

Tested on my Sony A7Rii with truly excellent results. 


Completely sharp corner to corner at f:5.6 but almost corner to corner sharpness already at f:2.8

Excellent centre sharpness at f.2.0

Truly stunning at f:2.0

Delivers the famous Zeiss 3D ‘POP’ in spades!

An insanely sharp lens with amazing acuity.  I’m only selling it because I recently acquired the MMJ version, which has marginally better bokeh.



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Thanks for looking!

Postage from Italy.  


Contax Carl Zeiss Planar AEJ  Standardobjektiv: 50mm 1.4 Standardobjektiv – mechanisch und optisch sehr gut!

Ausgiebig getestet an meiner Sony A7Rii mit tollen Ergebissen


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