Power Probe 3 Circuit Tester & Gold Series Lead Set

Power Probe 3 combined with the Gold Series Lead Set makes this kit the ultimate in circuit testing diagnosis. The best sidekick to the PP3 is a kit with different connectors, adapters, and extensions. The PP3LS01 was designed to increase the usability for the Power Probe 3 while diagnosing electrical circuits.

- DC Voltmeter Indicators provide active feedback
- LED Lights
- Bad Ground –Indicator
- Short Circuit Indicator
- Relay and Component Tester
- Audible Monitoring of Electrical Signals

- DC 0 – 70V + 1 digit
- P-P 0 – 70V

Frequency response of tone pass through
- 10Hz to greater than 10 Khz

PP display
- 15Hz Square Wave
- 35Hz Sine Wave

Power Probe Mode – Continuity to ground
- First level – display is enabled less than 20K
- Second level – green LED is enabled less than 2K

– & + Peak Detector Response
- Single event capture less than 200μs pulse width
- Repetitive events less than 1μs pulse width

Peak to Peak Mode
- 0 – 70V + 1 digit
- 4Hz to over 500kHz Square Wave input
- 4Hz to over 250kHz Sine Wave input
-Threshold for PPAC/Audible passthrough

Circuit Breaker
-8 amp thermal response – Manual reset