Per Ebay this is a tangible item and there are no guarantees that Lola

will reveal herself to you. And I will not be responsible for any actions she does or does not

Meet Lola she is in her late 80s and he is very old school I got Lola at an antique auction the girl I got her from said this was her grandmothers neighbors doll and her name was Lola the girl told me she remembered years and years ago visiting her grandmother and Lola was An old bitter woman she said she had a husband he passed away in his late 70s she told me that lol are used to gripe to her grandmother for everything if She and her cousins were over her grandmother Playing in the yard Lola would always come outside and tell them go away stay in your own yard and don’t touch my plants Lola had the most delicious tangerine tree in her yard she said that she remembers running over there and picking him and running and she would come out yelling and screaming at them she also told me that she was a doll collector and that when Lola passed her son had a yard sale And that’s how she got Lola When I took Lola home nothing really happened the first week but then I started noticing things things that Lola don’t like is loud noises she also don’t like swearing she don’t like movement in the house at the crack of dawn and as soon as it starts getting dark she would prefer it to be quiet stuff that Lola likes is she loves to cook this is one thing I’ve noticed from her I have had her now for over four years and I have learned to keep her in my kitchen you could be out all day and when you come home it smells like food in your house also if you have animals she does not like them she will put your animals in their place she believes animals to be outside she also believes that you only drink on special occasions and one or two my husband likes to have his beer when he comes home from work and he has noticed that when he’s home drinking his beer he gets his cold feeling when he’s around her also if you upset her she gets very angry you will hear things be intact and there’s also this muggy smell it’s like mothballs this is how I know when she’s upset I smell mothballs she is a very grumpy Old lady she believes the world this day is totally different when she was growing up she also don’t like people who put a lot of make up on I have noticed this I will have some of my make up missing or broken up she likes to be in the kitchen many many times I have cook something and then when we sit down to eat it’s very salty it does not taste nothing like what I cooked so she is known to put her different spices and stuff she might be small but she is a very grumpy old lady vessel she stands 7 inches tall 2 1/2 inches wide and comes with the stand as far as children around her my grandchildren come over and they’re always running around in the house and making loud noises you know it bothers her because she would shut the TV off right away or shut the light off me and my husband were at a retired age I’ve been doing this for over 30 years and I have over 85 haunted Vessels that I need to find new homes for it’s time for us to do traveling and my husband is tired of having a house with so much chaos in it if you would like to welcome Lola in your home please do so if there’s one thing about her she becomes very active as soon as you see her