Born in the heart of Paris in 1925, our esteemed artist embarked on a lifelong journey through the world of art. With a profound dedication to his craft, he honed his skills at the prestigious Art School of Paris, culminating in his graduation in 1986.

Throughout his illustrious career, this gifted painter has garnered accolades that attest to his exceptional talent. In 1988, he received the coveted Prizes of the town of Longjumeau, followed by the esteemed Prizes of the General Council of the Essonne in 1989. The year 1990 marked a milestone with both the Prizes of the exhibition of Villemoisson and the recognition of the General Council of the Essonne, which led to the purchase of one of his captivating works.

The accolades continued to pour in, with a Mention of Honor at the exhibition of Bures sur Yvette in 1991 and yet another Prizes of the exhibition of Villemoisson in 1994. In 1998, he received a prestigious Mention of Honor at Bures sur Yvette, a testament to his enduring artistry.

In 2001, the Society of Art of Montlhéry awarded him their esteemed Prizes. And in 2003, the tourism information office of Brétigny sur Orge recognized his significant contributions to the world of art.

As a distinguished member of the Salon Violet, our artist's creations have graced the most prestigious galleries, captivating art enthusiasts from around the world.

His dedication and excellence have not gone unnoticed, as he has been honored with the Medal of Merit and French Dedication in the Art field. His works are a testament to his unwavering commitment to the world of art, a dedication that shines through in every stroke of his brush.

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of his creations, each painting telling a unique story, each stroke carrying a piece of his soul. Discover the exquisite artistry that has graced the exhibitions of French artists and experience the magic of Paris through his masterpieces.

Authenticity: Work sold with a certificate of authenticity.

Dimensions: 18 x 25 inches, 45 cm x 64 cm

Medium: oil on paper, signed lower right