After completing a photo project, I am selling two Voigtländer Bergheils with the famous Heliar lens. The cameras were made in the late 1920s and are in 100% working order after servicing by Amsterdam Camera Repairs (invoices available upon request). Shutter speeds are accurate, and aperture blades are clean. The bellows were already light-tight.

I have two because I bought one with a matching Rollex roll film holder and the other with an original ground glass viewfinder. Purchasing these accessories separately from the camera is not recommended due to the high risk of incompatibility. Before the enlarger became common in darkrooms, the camera's format determined the size of the contact print, resulting in many different camera formats and just as many different sized accessories.

In practice, I used the cameras alternately with the ground glass (for focusing) and the roll film holder (for taking the photo) on one camera, while the other camera served as a backup in my camera bag.

The lenses have been professionally cleaned, show no fungus, and are virtually scratch-free and dust-free for their age. The included black-and-white photos were taken with these cameras and provide an impression of the lens quality (as well as my darkroom skills).

The Rollex roll film holder (6.5 x 9) is suitable for 8 exposures on 120 roll film (which is still readily available).

I am including an adapter screw so the cameras can also be used on a modern tripod.

These cameras are intended for someone who wants to shoot medium format with a 100-year-old camera. Collectors might prefer to buy a broken or unserviced Bergheil, as that would be cheaper.

For serious inquiries, I am happy to provide a demonstration. I also have a German manual for the camera and the roll film holder.