2 oz glass jar

Wild yam has traditionally been used to rebalance many female body symptoms .  

I have many questions about this remedy from my clients  and I like to share my experience and teaching from elders on wild yam herbal remedy. 
Different stages  in women’s life, that have not been viewed by wisdom keepers as getting old, having health issues. It was viewed as empowering stage. “ Riding the Dragon” stage of most amazing time every woman can open within herself. 
The symptoms  was viewed as life force, that is lodging in lower part of the body start rising up and clearing the channels, emotional blockages. 
In our society we collected lots of unresolved emotions, memories, beliefs that during that stage  are starting to open up and creating huge discomfort in female body and emotional states. Because it’s been all “ hit” at ones by this life force rising up thru our system. 
I really recomend you, my dear women find more information and teachings about emotional release, body somatics, gentle and experienced healers, who can work with you in this stage of your life. This stage is amazing and many women coming now with so much wisdom, energy and new sense of Self. 
This balm is helping with this healing, the Mother Earth have her medicine available for us, if we connect to her. I recomend also to create small ceremony for yourself with this balm. Connect to your body consciously, take your time, be present for yourself. Menopause is a stage that calling us to connect to our body in loving, gentle way. Say gratitude words to this amazing herb and other herbs that been used in this remedy. To our beautiful loving Mother Earth. Thanking her for your healing, asking for help and insights for your healing, guiding you thru the process of learning more about your pass, wisdom. 
Wild Yam remedy helping with many symptoms of changes for many women, but we also all have many individual genetic settings, family history, emotional blocks, memories, experiences that requires deeper personal healing and may not be resolved just with applying remedy. This balm is very amazing helping aid, but not a resolution for bigger picture of us becoming more conscious on many levels of our Selves. 

I gather lots of herbs myself in the woods. Some herbs I order from herbal healers in different countries. My remedies are prepared with deep love to Earth, it made with understanding of relationships between elements in a formula , not just “ throwing ingredients in one pot”. 
I cary deep gratitude to my teachers on my pass. 

Wild yam root
Clover tops
Cohosh root
Chaste Tree (Vitex) Berries 
Angelica root 
Frankincense (“Dakar” Frankincense Neglecta (Black Frankincense),
Frankincense Carterii,
Boswellia or Frankincense Serrata
Commiphora Guidotti
Black seed oil ( Nigella Sativa)
Shatavari root
White cinquefoil root
Grape seed oil
Sagan Dalya leaves, flowers 
Shea butter
Frankincense oil
Mango butter
Local Bee wax 
Vitamin E
Geranium oil

Directions how to use this balm will be shipped with your order.  
I learned about Wild Yam Balancing Balm in Mexico from local curandera. 
Harnessing the natural properties of Wild Yam, this balm aids in the relief of symptoms during hormonal changes. 

If you have any questions, please message me, I can’t write more descriptions here.

This new, special edition line of my herbal remedies "Bear Medicine".


I am a traditional Medicine Woman.  I gather herbs far from civilization, deep in the woods, mountains, and prairies, with respect to Mother Earth and the ways of reciprocity in nature. 
I prepare my remedies from herbs in the same ways my grandmothers did: through a time-consuming process with many steps, including gathering, drying, and infusing oils and tinctures in very specific ways. I learned these methods from my ancestors or medicine people along my path. 

When I do buy herbs I cannot personally source, they come from herbal healers,  I know and trust in different parts of the world. 

Unlike much of the herbal remedies being made today, there is a difference in preparing herbal remedies from whole plants versus essential oils. Although they can be valuable in certain applications, essential oils do not contain many important compounds of the plant that supports the assimilation of the herbal remedies through the body’s holistic systems. 

When only certain compounds are extracted from the plant through a mechanical process, we lose our connection to the consciousness of the natural remedies and the plants’ vibrational blueprints. 

The time and effort of my process is reflected in the quality and value of the products in my store. I hope you try them for yourself and experience the difference of “Dreaming with Mother Earth.”

I came from the line of many generations of herbalists and healers. 
My apothecary based in Northwoods, Wisconsin. For generations, my female line of healers has lived with a natural world and carried wisdom with deep reciprocity and gratitude to the Mother Earth and the Spiritual world. 
For many years I integrated my family wisdom and teachings of herbal remedies people from Native American, Mayan, Peruvian , Indian and other traditions and lineages to create unique formulas for my remedies.
I gather many herbs myself far away from roads, factories and toxic environment areas.It takes  many hours of work to gather herbs, also I travel to long distances to find pure, not polluted areas to gather herbs. I'm working with Shamans and herbalists all over the world , who have deep connection with Mother Earth and walking consciously with the medicine and law of reciprocity. 

My products are natural.
Always small batch and Wisconsin handmade. 

I'm using my family old, very time consuming , but highly potent process of infusing oils with botanicals, sap, tree bark thru different from well known infusing modern method. 
It creates very slow, low temperature , releasing of most beneficial plant substances oils. 
It is very authentic way to create highly concentrated infused oils , without destroying herbal essence and energy connection with Plant Spirits.

This is very powerful and fascinating way my ancestors used for many generations. 
My oils are alive and buzzing with energy.