Meet Kelly

Kelly is the positive spirit of a 40 year old Ann is a joy to have around I got Kelly from my late Cousin. Phillp Who was very much into haunted vessel items he told me Kelly was definitely one of his top 10 as being the sweetest the kindest and lovable vessel she has no meanness in her at all she constantly laughs and you will hear giggling coming from her also when she is high energy she has a ora that circles around her I keep Kelly with my other suite not obnoxious vessel items and Dolls sometimes when you pass by the room you hear giggling and you also hear like someone whisper talking after many years of studying her she loves the Ouija board when I put her on the board she spelt the word school I believe she worked in schools Kelly loves to be read to she loves music and she loves sitting by the window where she can see the outside every now and then I do take her outside and sit her on the patio to get some fresh air and then at night time you will hear someone humming that’s how I know she had a great day . She is safe to have around animals and children and always gives me a happy and warm feeling. I often take her on walks with me and she really enjoys this. She is quite an active spirit and loves to move her vessel slightly. She also always sets off the cat balls especially if I'm in the room with her cleaning or working. She loves to communicate and her favourite method is the dowsing rods but she also likes the pendulum, spirit box, EMF reader and communicating in vigils. Kelly would be perfect for a beginner or someone wanting their first spirit doll, she is very easy going and easy to work with. She is very excited to travel and meet her new keeper. A book would be the perfect offering for this spirit doll!

Pre eBay I will not be responsible for anything Kelly does or does not do this is not a toy DO NOT PURCHASE UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU WOULD LIKE TO GO AHEAD WITH THE PURCHASE.