This Wonderful 8X10 "Munchkin land" Black and white photo was signed by Munchkin "Fern Fermica" in 1989.

I met most of the surviving Munchkins through the past decades at conventions,and getting to know some of them personally.

I became friends with Margaret Pelligrini and Ferm Fermica, and would kindly asked them to sign items for projects that 

I was presenting to elementary Schools. It was a delight to know both of these kind woman.

I will enclose a copy of the cancelled check from Fern Fermica, and a copy of the letter the some of the actors who played the munchkins signed for me to read to the children at the reading programs I conducted.

The photo was signed with a ball point pen, so it is not as bold as if signed with a sharpie pen.

Fern Formica is seen in the photo walking out of the flower garden.

A wonderful Wizard of Oz Signature.  

Contact me with any and all questions.