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Introduced by Victor in 1903, the “D” was the company’s flagship phonograph until the VI came into the line-up two years later. The “D” featured a 12″ turntable, a triple spring motor, and an ornate oak cabinet adorned with heavily carved trim.

This Victor D is beautiful, with a clean cabinet finish that’s been French-polished to a warm gloss, no damaged or missing molding, no repairs, no issues.

Back-bracket enamel is original, as are the decorations.

Except for the crank (an excellent replica that's identical to the original), all parts are original, with judicious re-plating, including the small hardware and fittings. Victor Exhibition reproducer has a good needle bar and a good diaphragm. It's been professionally rebuilt, and it sounds great.

The 22″ spear tip oak horn is original, and it’s in excellent condition. Nice original finish, with original Nipper decal still intact. No rim splits, no cracks, no bubbling veneer. Some tiny specks of spatter on the horn’s exterior surface, but nothing significant. 

Runs well and needs nothing to be enjoyed immediately. An outstanding Victor D.

I'll also include an early Victor record and a tin of needles.

I'm one of ebay's best known, most highly regarded sellers of antique phonographs. I've been selling and shipping them for more than 25 years. When you purchase an antique phonograph from me, you'll receive a phonograph that arrives safely because it's been carefully packed (by me, not by some well-intentioned but nonetheless confounded, doe-eyed teenager working at the UPS store who wouldn't know a phonograph from a farm tool), and you'll receive a phonograph that includes thorough but easy-to-understand set-up and operating instructions, so you won't be left scratching your head, trying to figure out how it works.  Sure, you can probably get a lower price from Joe and Janet Barn-Find, but when your "bargain" arrives broken, and without any hint of how it works or how you might be able to put it back together, you'll realize that you really do get exactly what you pay for.