“Behind Closed Doors” Catalog 57, 2022 Opens a landmark event in a historical perspective. As new research on several important pieces from the South. From the only second known Mississippi face jug of the late 1800s. Now able to identify one of 1860s slave made Edgefield, South Carolina face jug makers, even with a photograph. So much information and pieces of our potting heritage is found within this memorable catalog. Newcombe College is always a charm to acquire. Georgia’s offerings are remarkable. North Carolina’s art pottery is superbly premium, and a fascinating gravemarker. Ohio and Illinois face pieces. South Carolina African American slave pottery such as Dave are especially astounding, along with some Americana folk art that is a rarity. Tennessee proudly hosts several rare markings as does Texas. What a celebration of iconic relics to acquire. Don’t miss this opportunity!

No returns or exchanges. Post sale list included with the catalog.