In very good condition. The only issue I’ve noticed is in the 1x default starting zoom, the image is blurred unless your object is close. For some reason it doesn’t seem to focus in 1x. It’s not extremely blurry but it’s noticeable.

If you see picture 13, I’m in 1x and it’s blurred, but as soon as I start to zoom in (picture 14), it starts to focus and the blurring goes away. This object is about 8 ft away from the camera.

As you can see for objects close to the camera, in picture 15 & 16 in 1x zoom, it’s perfectly fine and not blurry.

In picture 17, I circled in red the object I zoomed on to. I’m showcasing that when zoomed, it focuses perfectly and there is no blurring. This object is about 25 ft away.

Aside from this issue, the camera works great. It ejects tapes and plays tapes perfectly. The light works. I’m unsure of how well the batteries hold a charge as I don’t have a charger to test them. Includes a sealed tape and the original power adapter. Message with any questions, thanks!