This is a US Congressional Record from November 25, 1963, containing eulogies for President John F. Kennedy. It is an 8-page paper document published by the US Government Printing Office (GPO) and contains speeches given by members of Congress in honor of the late President. The volume number is 109 and the record number is 191. The document is a piece of historical memorabilia and a valuable collectible for those interested in politics and US presidential history.

1.  Item:  U.S. Congressional Record (ORIGINAL, Not A Copy)

2.  Topic:  Eulogies by members of U.S. Congress delivered in remembering the horrific assassination of President John F. Kennedy

3.  Congress:  88th

4.  Congressional Record Details:  (a) Volume 109;  (b) Number 191;  and (c) Date of Monday, November 25, 1963

5.  Approximate No. of Pages:  Eight (8)

6.  Publisher:  Printed by U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) in Washington, D.C. (U.S.A.)