Ex-votos painted by the couple of Mexican painters: Flor Palomares and Gonzalo Palacios

Original painting hand made on sheet. Sold by its author.

All stories and situations are painted our authorship and are 100% handmade crafts from Mexico.

Since 2010 we have been dedicated to painting ex-votos, our paintings have been sold to many countries around the world such as India, Japan, Israel, Australia, Taiwan, all of Europe and much of America, we have participated in books, magazines and exhibitions in Mexico, Italy and Germany. By acquiring this piece you are taking a unique work of art where traditional Mexican culture is combined with modern pop culture. 

We ship to anywhere in the world. The shipping cost depends on the country. 

We have more ex-votos, please ask for them. 

*Shipping is by the Mexican postal service and takes between 2 or 3 weeks to arrive*

Unique piece painted by the artist: Flor Palomares


Con el presente retablito, le agradezco a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe por la tenacidad y la voluntad de vivir de Frida Kahlo, ya que a pesar de la enfermedad y del dolor físico que la aquejó toda su vida, tuvo el valor y el talento para expresar sus sentimientos por medio de su arte que sigue vigente hasta nuestros días. México.


With this little altarpiece, I thank Our Lady of Guadalupe for Frida Kahlo's tenacity and will to live, since despite the illness and physical pain that afflicted her throughout her life, she had the courage and talent to express his feelings through his art that remains valid to this day. Mexico.

Size: 7 1/2 X 11 inches approx
Note: To protect our original work, the photograph has a watermark. She is only found in the photograph, not the actual ex-voto, it is only used for copyright purposes. Thank you.