Product details

Hard to find UK cassette audio book released in 2002 by MacMillan Audio Books (Cat No: MAB 179). Two cassettes. Abridged/running time: 3 hours. Read by Michael Brandon. In excellent condition.


1922, Tokyo. Harry Niles is a wild child, an American boy in a strange country who leads his life in The Tokyo underworld. One night he delivers a painting to an enigmatic figure, the samurai Ishigami. It is an encounter that will haunt Harry forever…

1937, Nanking. China is under attack. In the midst of horror, Harry finds himself face to face with Lieutenant Ishigami. But for the Samurai warrior, their meeting leads to the greatest possible dishonour – public humiliation.

1941, Tokyo. Japan is on the brink of war with the United States. Harry has become a man of many faces, allying himself between the fading glory of the Chrysanthemum Club, where the city’s elite meet, and the shadowy Tokyo underworld. His position seems unassailable.

But nothing can be predicted. For Harry is being hunted. Disgraced war hero Ishigami has returned to Tokyo. And he is determined on one course only: final retribution.