69 antique books about apiculture(beekeeping) on DVD

This data DVD contains 69 antique books, in PDF format, many of them very rare, about apiculture (beekeeping), bees, honey and other related things, containg also hundreds of suggestive and interesting illustrations.
Many of these old books of this UNIQUE collection are written in English, but there are also books written in German, French, Spanish, as you will notice reading their titles.
All the books on this data DVD are in PDF format and they are good quality FACSIMILES, not normal black and white scanned books. Many of the books are really old so brown spots and other normal imperfections for old books are present, but you can read them with no problem.
Below you will see some sample pages (sizes reduced) from some of these books and also the list with all the books which you will find on this data DVD.

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