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All of my herbs & resins are either grown organically by me, or purchased as either 100% Certified Organics or Wild-harvested and pesticide free

 There are absolutely no pesticides or chemical fertilizers used on any of my herbs & resins (the last thing you would want is to burn or brew up a wonderful healing potion using herbs that have been laced with pesticides or chemical fertilizers!) 

100% Certified Organic MULLEIN FLOWERS DRIED HERB - 20g

Mullein flowers can be taken as a tea and it is a wonderful alternative to t*b*cco. Native Americans taught the early settlers about the many virtues of Mullein, and several studies in the present day have supported the expectorant anti catarrhal effects of it.

Mullein flowers are a lot milder than the leaf (which I prefer), and it actually improves respiratory function. It is also believed to have sedative and narcotic properties and can provide a very mild legal high.

As a tea, it is also used to treat bronchitis, colds, flu, emphysema, and laryngitis. It helps to bring up sticky phlegm and clear the chest, to fight bacteria, and help inhibit the spread of flu virus.

Metaphysically used for Protection, Divination, Health, Courage, Determination, Exorcism, and Defense Spells.

In an ancient Grimoires, it is used as a substitute for graveyard dirt or dust. In my family we believe that this is more respectful than removing dirt from someone's grave.

To banish nightmares it can be added to dream pillows. It also instils courage in the bearer, and placed in the shoe, it keeps one from catching a cold. Also carried to obtain love from the opposite sex.

In India, Mullein is regarded as the most potent safeguard against evil spirits and magic, and is hung over doors, in windows, and carried in sachets. It is also used to banish demons and negativity.


Centuries ago, our ancestors used herbs & resins for more than just seasoning soup. Herbs & resins were used for healing and Magick long before they were used as seasonings. Witches and the Wise Ones all knew the Magickal uses of herbs & resins and used them in potions, incenses and amulets to ward off evil, attract prosperity, love, to heal illness and much, much more...

About the Kitchen Witches:
 My name is Teresa. I am a fourth generation Witch. I come from a line of White Witches (Stregheria), Sensitives and Psychics on my mother’s side. I have Psychic Clairsentient and Clairaudient abilities, working very closely with the Guides, Counsellors and Spiritual Advisors. I practice Solitary Urban Witchcraft, under the umbrella of Wicca, embracing all forms of spirituality, with intentions of only good to all... My friend Monique came from a very long line of Egyptians, dating as far back to Ancient Egyptian Magickal Practitioners and Psychics. Monique’s very powerful esoteric and inherent abilities were an inspiration to me and she became a mentor for a short time, who nurtured and shared her wisdom, and began me on my path to developing, using and sharing my Kitchen Witch products with others...