This is a real rose (12") electroplated in Platinum. It is made by Living Gold Co. (Los Angeles, CA), the leading gold rose manufacturer and trusted source for quality roses.

Each flower is picked fresh at the peak of its beauty, formed and crafted by hand (to remove thorns, extra leaves, petals, etc.), and electroplated with a secret technique. You can still see the veins in the petals and leaves. It takes 3-6 months and more than 50 steps to complete one piece, making each one especially meaningful and unique.

As part of the Birth Color Rose collection, this Dark Blue Rose represents the month of September. It comes with an optional 6" Crystal Vase.

The rose is packaged in either a red or green box that describes how the rose is made on the back. It also comes with a card of authenticity.

This beautiful art piece makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions.