Unleash your Dreams

presents a mega collection of magic tricks in Ebook-format 

these Electronic books are supplied on CDROM 

and can be viewed on a PC or a MAC, 

they are also supplied ready to use on all Electronic readers

You will receive the following tricks on the CD in PDF form


Cloned Coins

Three coins are displayed each with a different colour on them 

and placed onto your spectators hand in full view with nothing to hide!
A fourth coin is shown to be plain and devoid of colour 

this is the magical clone coin.
Watch your spectators jaws drop as the coin takes on the 

colours of the other coins one at a time
Each time the coin is placed back into the spectators hand!
We end when the clone coin has changed from
plain to red to white to blue
What there is more!
Oh YES!!!!!!!!
The climax comes when the coins are placed onto the spectators’ hand,

 they squeeze them and maybe say a few magic words

when they open their hand they have all changed colour

 and wait for this, they are totally examinable.
Yes that's right they are TOTALLY examinable
Your Spectator could even keep them if you wish.
We supply the manuscript on the CD you supply your own

 coins and stickers (any coins/any stickers, this a truly international trick)

Sold originally by us for £18

Plus you get

Beckett’s Book Test

This book test has been sold to professional mentalists the world

 over,it is totally impromptu which in itself is an

 advantage over some you may already know about and use.
This effect doesn't require any pre-show preparation, 

memory system or the need to pump for the appropriate information.
You don't even have to see the book until the participant hands it to you. 

Moreover, there is no restriction as to which book should be used.

 Sounds too good to be true eh!
The maneuver allowing you to gain the necessary

 information is inspired in part by a routine

 created by the genius of Orville Meyer. 

This is professional mentalism at it's best,

 I personally know several professional mentalists

 that close their sets with this very effect. 

Do yourself a favour and get this now.



MindSlasher is a mental miracle, Read the thoughts of a

 spectator, instantly and with a 100% hit rate!

Using nothing more than a few business or playing cards, 

at no time do you have to touch anything the spectator uses or writes on!

They simply write or draw a word,image etc and you will 

instantly be able to gain the information. 

This is a mind reading miracle!!!

This plays to one as it would one hundred!

Fits in your pocket always ready to perform

A perfect method to give away a business card

Can be used with blank playing cards or business cards, 

in fact any type of card can be used!

Some of our customers told us that this was better than many 

of the magicians wallets out on the market as it didn't 

use a wallet at all and suited everyones style, 

whether it be street magic or stage, close up , parlour, mentalism etc.

Transmit thoughts without any electronic device at all!

No Outs!

No Rough and Smooth!

No Wallets used!

No Billet Switches!

No funny wallets!

No palming!

No Sleights!

No sticky stuff!

No double sided funny business!

No funny folding of a piece of paper!

No carbons!

No Impression devices!

No Forcing - Write/Draw what you want on the card!

No Memory system to learn!

No pumping or asking questions!

100% Self working!!

I know you will use this all the time!

It's a KILLER trick!

Get the Mindslasher now, you can use this for 

mental,bizarre,close up and stage magic

Any word or picture can be drawn and within a few seconds 

you can have the information without touching the card the spectator wrote on.

This method is so sneaky it will fool you even when you know the secret!

This is the electronic verision the photo illustrated e booklet comes 

complete full instructions on how to make gimmicks in 

less than a minute using your own cards, 

that's right in less than a minute.


Plus you also get... does it ever stop?


EFFECT: Taking a pen or straw in hand.

 You talk about the power of the mind and telekinesis 

and how you are able to move things by simply concentrating

 on them. In fact they may have seen this in films such

 as Phenomenon and Carrie. Now balance the pen/straw on the edge of a

 table or a bottle top as this works wonders 

and is normally frictionless and offer to demonstrate. 

After showing your hands empty indeed the spectators can touch and feel them 

as you truly have nothing to hide at all 

you move your hand towards the pen/straw and begin concentrating. 

With a psychic move/ twitch or a wiggle of the fingers, 

the pen/straw begins to move slowly. 

You move your hands away... the psychic force stops! 

The spectator can inspect everything... 

if they haven't passed out or ran screaming from the room,

 this is a truly amazing event that can be played 

for a real demonstration of psychic ability, as it can 

for bizarre events maybe in conjunction with a Ouija board,

 or even as a controlled pseudo scientific experiment. 

However you decide to perform it, be aware that

 this is an amazing trick that should never be undersold

Check out the demo above or cut and paste the link below into your browser

This is truly amazing and the description will not do this fantastic feat justice

To see it is to experience a true psychic event

Are the spirits with us?




Could it be magic?

Imagine going out and taking a straw from a dispenser 

having it examined and then placing it down on a table or bottle top. 

Then with nothing other than a wiggle of the fingers you make it move!




You place an ordinary disposable pen or straw on the edge 

of a table or bottle top and,

 using only telekinetic psychic powers, cause the pen to move!!

You can make the pen spin round 720 degrees or more.

Make the pen spin back and forth

Make it fall off a table

You can let the spectator do this!


Yes read it again!!!!!

You can let the spectator do it


You could start a religion with this trick

in fact I guess people have started them with less than this!!!

You will be seen as true Mystery and Miracle worker!

This will go straight into your performances

The pen is under your complete control, and everything

 may be closely examined to the point of taking the 

pen apart and or given away!

Use the spectator’s pen!

Make the pen spin round and round, have it spin

 and topple off a table etc.

This does not look like magic, it is magic.

No threads

No magnets

No weights

No use of air

NO gimmicks

Nothing to hide

Nothing to ditch


This is Amazing, I have stunned many magicians and

 Occultists with this trick, and it shows real telekinetic skills. 

This is a must have. 

If jaws don’t hit the ground with this one then get a new hobby

PLEASE NOTE the straw/pen can be borrowed it can be completely examined, 

taken apart, left with the spectator to take home!


You start clean and end clean!!!!!

Ok well enough of the blurb!

Remember that with any magical effect that uses no gimmicks 

at all there is a learning curve. 

Some people get the knack of this within a few seconds 

others take a little longer.

If you follow the script you will have this down 

within a few minutes and as you never have to carry 

anything with you in the way of gimmicks 

this can truly be performed completely impromptu!


There are no magnets, no threads, no weights , no use of air at all. 

In fact there are no gimmicks at all.

 You can perform this under the most challenging situations, 

no angles to worry about

Remember it is completely impromptu, 

no magnets,threads,blowing,air,PK,gimmicks.

Use a straw or a pen! Great Bar Trick! Great at the office,

 shop,school,college etc.

You will receive a professionally produced electronic book

 teaching you how to perform this Telekinetic miracle,

 so grab a straw or a pen and start performing

 this within minutes of learning the secret.

Learn all the nuances of how to perform this anywhere at all,

 remember it can be done impromptu and surrounded 

there are no angles to worry about and you can

 also use the spectators hand/fingers to channel the energy

 and make the straw/pen move!

Hand it out before and after, let them keep it.

 There is nothing to find and nothing to hide!

Plus you get

The Mentalists Translucent Clipboard

Why spend 100's of pounds or dollars on electronic clipboards that may

not work, go wrong or worse still get broken by a spectator!

This can be handed out for examination without fear of

anyone finding the gimmick, simply because there is no gimmick to find!

Oh and did I mention that the clipboard is CLEAR/SEE THROUGH!

That’s right, have someone write something down or draw a picture

have them remove the paper and pocket it and you will instantly know

what has been written or drawn

The clipboard can be handed out before, during and after!

It will cost you about £3 in total to make that’s all!

Buy the materials you need from any stationary shop

It just get better as you also receive our best selling trick

The Skullcrusher

You never touch the cards at all, the spectator does everything for you. 

The deck is shuffled and a card selected by the spectator no force at all,

 they do all the work and you still tell them the card

 they hold or just think of,want to hear the clincher? 

You do not even have to be in the room for this, they can use their own cards! 

You can perform this over the phone from the other side of the world....

.do not miss this trick! Read it through then read it again, it is all true!

SkullCrusher is completely impromptu & has no set up and no reset

Believe me this is the strongest trick you will perform, 

it can be performed anywhere, any time & any place.

You read the mind of a person without asking any questions at all, 

they just think of a card.

The deck can be borrowed.

The cards are NEVER touched by the magician.

Your spectator does everything, it can be their deck of cards, 

they will do all the shuffling and cutting and of course selecting the card.

You could call them up and perform skullcrusher.

Think of the possible performances you can do with this!

Perform it over the phone, the Net, Skype, TV, Radio shows,

 in another room, in the same room with your back turned!

There are none of the following at all

No Forces

No Skill

No Key cards

No Gimmicks

No Clever double talk

No Duel Reality

Best of all there is no prep work at all!

If you want to perform one card trick that will really knock them out! 

Then get this!

You also get

Ultimate Mind Reading


Imagine taking out and display a deck of normal cards cutting 

and shuffling as

you like.

Turn them face up to show them being all ordinary and different, as

you cut and mix them up!

Tell your spectators that in a moment that you will turn your back

and while your back is turned that you will want 

someone to cut the cards where ever they like!

You now choose a person, and have them cut the cards as many times as they like!



Now have them take the top card, and look at it.

Once this is done have them hide the card anywhere at all

Now pick up the deck and put it in its case 

(while keeping the deck face down the whole time) 

as you do or even have the spectator do this !!!!

Put the deck away in your pocket or in the spectators pocket.

Now slowly read the mind of the spectator and

 reveal the card they are hiding !!!

Remember the following

This uses any deck of cards there are no special cards or treatments involved

Any card at all can be taken

There are NO forces

No help from the anyone else

No rough and smooth

No long or short

No sticky stuff at all!!!

No Sleights

Nothing but pure magic

This is a show stopping closer or opener!

If you dont have a standing ovation after this then get a new hobby/career ;-)

We also give you the following

Touch of genius

The Effect:- Let’s set the scene here!

You take a pack of cards, any cards they can be borrowed if you wish,

 or even sealed what better way to start a performance than 

have someone open the deck and shuffle the cards!

There is no need to prepare anything at all EVER!

Now have the deck cut by your spectator into 3 piles it could be more if you wish!

Now for the magic

You tell your spectators that you have been studying the art of premonition 

and would like to try a small experiment, you state that you did not cut the cards,

 that in no way did you influence them in anyway at all 

and finally that free will has been exercised.

As your hand hovers over each pile you correctly name the three cards 

that are face down on the tops of each pile, 

the cards are then turned over to reveal that you really 

do possess that touch of genius!

This can be done anytime, anywhere and with any deck of cards, 

it is completely impromptu, and that’s a rare thing these days!

Its worth remembering these points :-














This uses any deck of cards there are no special cards or treatments involved

and finally you get



Make marks appear at will

A super spooky and easy card trick have the cards value reveal itself on your arm

No setup, impromptu and easy to perform

No gimmicks at all.

Have a card selected and lost in the pack then it reveals itself 

as a mark in front of your spectators eyes on your arm!

Simpe and effective

You can also use a billet, flashpaper, cards, names etc etc etc.

Cracking little trick!

All these tricks having are sold by us separately and have a retail value of over £56

We have complied the Electronic version and will supply it on CDROM in PDF format 

for you for just £9.99 post free in the UK.

Email if you have any questions at all.

This item will be sent out within 24hrs of purchasing 

and payment clearing our paypal account.

This listing and the tricks herein are copyright and property of Unleashyourdreams

Unleash your Dreams

No cards or gimmicks are sent with this disk it is for the disk alone. 

all gimmicks needed are readily available from stationary stores/

 poundstores etc or a just a pack of cards for some tricks

Please mail before purchasing if you have any questions

Disk is supplied in a plain case the CD will be printed with a UID Code

 for ID reasons and to protect our IP

All items are wrapped securely for posting.

1987 - Onwards