Thank you to all our wonderful customers,
the stories of success with this inhaler that
you have shared with me, 
made me work hard
to find a consistent supplier. 

While this is the best inhaler we have found, the 
company no longer provides quality salt

So we remove all their salt and replace it with the 
highest quality that we use and sell in bulk to all 
our customers. This does cause our price to be a 
little higher than others with the same inhaler.

Our 84Salt Himalayan Salt Inhaler 

What you get in the Family Pack:
(perfect for two members of the family
or for your car & home or work & home)

  • Two Himalayan Salt Inhalers
  • Two sturdy gift boxes 
  • Four Months of refills
    In Heat Sealed Zip Lock bags
  • Two quality microsuede drawstring carrying pouches,
  • Two sets of Complete Instructions written in English. 
  • We also include own super clear instructions & 
  • Sample of our Himalayan Fine Grind Table salt.
Note: Images on box, pouch & bags change from time to time

within 24 business hours!

Why use Our Salt Inhaler?

Breathing Salt Air through our Salt Inhaler 
Benefits People who suffer from: 

  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Hay Fever
  • Sinus Ailments
  • Cold & Flu Symptoms
  • Shortness of Breathe
  • Snoring
  • Smoking & Air Pollution Irritation
  • Flushes Away Impurities from 
    Your Respiratory System

84Salt Himalayan Salt Inhaler is designed to replicate the 
kind of therapeutic climate, found within the Khewra Pink 
Crystal Salt caves located at the foothills of the Himalayas 
in Pakistan. 

These salt mines are the result of a primordial sea, which 
existed long before any forms of pollution or technology 
covered the earth. It is this living salt filled with 84 minerals 
that helps detox and balance the body when anyone breathes 
in air from it. This therapeutic salt air helps clear toxins, and 
reduce inflammation along nasal, bronchial, and respiratory 
passages. It is especially helpful for children and adults who 
suffer from asthma, allergies and COPD. Additionally the 
soothing, calming effect the salt air has on the body, the way 
it reduces inflammation, results in lowering many peoples stress 
levels, and also we have been told it helps lower 
their blood pressure.* 

For centuries people have known the respiratory health value of 
breathing the air in deep salt caves. Therapeutic rooms have 
been set up in salt caves across Europe and Asia, where many 
people have experienced the amazing relief of respiratory 
disease. People who work in these salt mines are always free 
of respiratory problems. Using our salt inhaler offers a similar 
experience especially if used consistently for 
15 - 20 minutes each day. 

*We know that a daily, first in the morning sole drink works to 
lower blood pressure, we have seen these results and received 
grateful responses from customers telling us how it has worked 
for them or their children. But remember every human being is
different and even in the testing of powerful pharmaceutical 
drugs, they discover results where 30% of the time people are 
cured with the placebo (non-drug, sugar pill) and some 
are not cured at all.

So whenever you decide to try any type of therapy or change 
of diet or exercise, consult with your doctor. Let them monitor 
your progress and never stop taking any medications without 
first discussing this with your doctor. Your health is important 
to us, to your family and to all the beings in our world. Each 
human being is a Divine Light and we are grateful 
that you 
share the earth with us. We wish you health & joy.

Many tests have been done on the salt from this mine that 
prove its therapeutic value. If you really want to understand 
the value of our 84Salt Pink Crystal Himalayan Salt, 
get a copy of Water & Salt by Dr. Barbara Hendel.

Below, we include details on how we handle salt from this 
mine, and also the many ways you can use it.

Salt air inhalation therapy, also known as, "Halotherapy" 
(halo=salt), or "Speleotherapy" (speleos=cave),  supports 
relief for many respiratory ailments. It reduces inflammation 
in nasal passages and within the bronchial tubes and lungs. 
It has been used for hundreds of years, but has never been 
more valuable than it is today because we have so many 
toxins in the air we breathe.

Asthma ~ Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the 
airways characterized by episodes of reversible breathing 
problems due to airway narrowing and obstruction. These 
episodes can range in severity from mild to life threatening. 
Symptoms of asthma include wheezing, coughing, chest 
tightness, and shortness of breath. Daily preventive treatment 
can prevent symptoms and attacks and enable individuals 
who have asthma to lead active lives.

  • One in 12 people (about 25 million, or 8% of the 
    population) had asthma in 2009, compared with 1 in 
    14 (about 20 million, or 7%) in 2001.
  • More than half (53%) of people with asthma had an 
    asthma attack in 2008. More children (57%) than 
    adults (51%) had an attack.
  • 185 children and 3,262 adults died from asthma in 2007.
  • About 1 in 10 children (10%) had asthma and 
    1 in 12 adults (8%) had asthma in 2009.
  • Women were more likely than men and boys more 
    likely than girls to have asthma.
  • These numbers are increasing every year.

Allergies: There are many types of allergies that affect humans 
today, some are directly the result of breathing air laden with 
different forms of toxins from animal dander to pollen, and many 
other environmental gases or organic matter.

  • Over 50 million Americans suffer from allergies,
  • Approximately 55 percent of all U.S. citizens test 
    positive to one or more allergens.
  • Roughly 7.8% of people 18 and over in the U.S. have 
    hay fever.
  • Between 2009 & 2010, 10% of U.S. children, 17 years 
    & under suffered from hay fever.
  • Worldwide, allergic rhinitis (hay fever) affects between 
    10% and 30 % of the population.
  • Worldwide, sensitization (IgE antibodies) to foreign
     proteins in the environment is present in up to 40% of 
    the population.
  • Roughly 13% of people 18 and over in the U.S. have 


COPD ~ is a disease characterized by airflow restrictions. The 
AMA’s treatments for COPD cause most doctors to believe that 
this disease is not fully reversible.* Airflow limitations from 
COPD are usually progressive and associated with an 
abnormal inflammation of the lungs due to noxious particles or 
gases. Typically this is the result of exposure to cigarette smoke.

  • Approximately 13.6 million adults have been diagnosed 
    with COPD,
  • Research suggests that another 13+ million have yet 
    to be diagnosed.

*We have learned that this disease is reversible and completely 
curable, but is not through the usual AMA drug channels. If you
have this disease or know someone who does, please take time
to research E cigarettes. We have friends who have been fully 
healed using them. I personally have no experience since I 
have never smoked in my life. 

How to fill the Inhaler: 

Turn it upside down and remove the little plug. Open a salt packet 
and pour it in. If you are using our bulk salt for refills use a 
scant 2 tablespoons to fill it.  

How to use

To use the inhaler, place mouth on spout and inhale through 
mouth, then exhale through nose. Practice this before you 
begin to use your new inhaler because you should never 
exhale into the inhaler, as this will cause moisture to form on 
the crystals and then you would have to dry them out or replace 
them. So remember: 


When you first start using the inhaler, you may experience 
some coughing or sneezing, but this will clear up as you 
continue to breath and clear out toxins.


How Often Should You Use Your Salt Inhaler?

Recommended usage is 15-25 minutes per day. This can be 
done while watching TV or just relaxing before bed and when 
you get up in the morning. For the very best results, use it
regularly year round.


When to Replace the Salt Crystals:

Monthly, if you use it for 15 - 25 minutes every day.

If you use it less, then replace the salt crystals less frequently.


Handling & Storage:

ALWAYS Keep Your Salt Inhaler clean and free of moisture.

Do not use your salt inhaler, if the salt crystals are moist or wet.


How To Wash Your Salt Inhaler before using it for the first 
time or when replacing the salt crystals:

  • Rinse the inhaler with warm water & make sure the inhaler 
    totally dry before refilling. 
  • If you’re in a rush, it is okay to use a hair dryer to dry it 
  • DO NOT wash your Salt Inhaler with ANY TYPE OF 
  • DO NOT Wash your Salt Inhaler In a DISHWASHER.
  • Store in a dry, cool place—away from direct sunlight.

What is Salt Air Inhalation Therapy?

Also known as "Halotherapy" (halo=salt), or "Speleotherapy" 
(speleos=cave), salt air inhalation therapy is an easy to use,
pharmaceutically / drug - free method that eases symptoms of 
respiratory discomforts. The atmosphere of deep salt caves 
has been used for centuries to benefit the respiratory system. 
Today's salt inhalers have been designed to replicate a similar 
salt cave environment for your lungs and nasal passages.


Who Can Use Salt Air Inhalers?

Anyone can safely use salt inhalers and enjoy the benefits from 
salt air inhalation therapy. Even children can use our salt inhalers, 
as long as they understand how to breathe in through the mouth 
and exhale through the nose, and that this is the only way to 
use the salt inhaler.


How does it work?

Himalayan salt crystals are positioned between the filters inside 

the refillable inhaler. As you inhale through the mouthpiece, the 
moisture of the passing air absorbs microscopic salt particles, 
which permeate through your respiratory system. The humidity 
in the air is sufficient to enrich the air with minute salt particles 
when the air passes through the salt crystals. Thus it replicates 
in a  micro form, the breathing experience of being in a 
therapeutic salt cave.

How To Refill:
Empty the old salt from your inhaler, then using a small funnel 
or some wax paper formed into a funnel, fix this into the bottom 
of your inhaler. (you may have to prop your inhaler up in a 
glass or bowl to make it easy to pour the salt into it.) Then 
take approximately two scant (that means less than full) 
Tablespoons of Our Salt and put it through the funnel into the 
inhaler. Put the plug back into the inhaler, and you are ready 
to inhale for another month. 

 What makes 84Salt the best choice?

  • Contains 84 minerals that help balance the human body 
  • Is in its pure crystalline structure that when mixed with spring water, 
    it is near identical to the body's saline solution   
  • Organic 
  • Crystal structure which is easily absorbed into our cells.
  • Ancient salt created 250 million years ago from the primal sea, before 
    the thousands of pollutants we have today existed. 
  • All 84Salt is hand picked, 
  • Hand Chiseled, 
  • Hand Washed, 
  • Sun Dried, 
  • Never Processed, 
  • Never Heated, 
  • Never has anything added to it. 
  • Certified pure by the FDA.
  • Handled in an ISO certified clean facility.
  • All 84Salt is Food Grade - even our bath salts!
  • Kosher Cerified
  • Winner of Several Culinary Taste Awards 

Why is this better than regular table salt or sea salt? 

Table Salt is heavily processed, heated to 1200 degrees,
bleached, and a variety of chemicals are added to it. It is
reduced to its most simple form: Sodium Chloride which is
a known poison to the human body. The human organism
does the only thing it can do with this poison, it attempts to
neutralize it by using its own precious cell water to dilute it
and then it stores this poison in a variety of places including 
the joints, kidneys and liver, creating toxic pockets. By being
forced to pull cellular water from the cells, it causes dehydration
in the body and thus creates edema, swelling, cramping, high
blood pressure, difficulties sleeping, and joint discomfort. 
Almost every packaged food in this country contains salt
and the amounts in frozen foods are beyond belief. Why?
Because salt not only drives flavor, but it also is a preservative.
Unfortunately the sodium chloride that is in these foods is a
poison and thus you can see how dis-ease is common for
people who live on processed foods and eat out in restaurants
especially fast food places where the poor quality of the food
will require that much more salt. 

Sea Salt is often thought to be a better choice, but nearly all of it
today is processed, bleached, and heated  to excessive degrees,
which cause it to change its form. Additionally the sea is no longer
healthy and so most sea salt is suspect. There are exceptions of course,
such as the celtic sea salt which is handled carefully and sun dried.
But even the celtic salt does not have the research studies behind it, 
the mineral content or the ancient basis of purity that pure pink
crystal Himalayan 84Salt has. 

All too often we do not consider salt when we go to a
restaurant or buy food in the grocery store because there is a
part of our culture that innocently trusts that our government would
not allow poisons in our food supply. Unfortunately that is not true. 
We need to wake up and realize that we must become personally
responsible for the food we put into our bodies if we want them run
efficiently for a long life.

84Salt Himalayan Pure Pink Crystal Salt

84Salt, Himalayan salt is a complete salt, which in solution with
natural spring water is 99% identical to the natural saline fluids
in the human body. It thus rebalances our bodies and will not
cause dehydration, bloating or swelling. This salt is used to detox 
the body in a variety of ways, many of which, are very simple and
none invasive. For example; soaking a pair of white socks in an
84Salt sole (spring water & 84Salt), then putting these on your
feet and wrapping them in a nice towel while resting for 45 minutes, 
is a great detox. Doing this three times a week for a few weeks
several times a year is a very easy, comfortable detox routine. 

Some HEALTH Benefits of 84Salt Pink Crystal Himalayan Salt

  • Regulates water content in the body
  • Brings PH levels of cells into balance,
    especially brain cells.
  • Promotes balanced blood sugar
  • Can reduce signs of aging
  • Is an electrical transmitter and thus increases
    energy transfer in human cells.
    Aids in nutritional
    absorption of food through the intestinal tract
  • Supports respiratory health.
  • Promotes health of the sinuses.
  • Prevents muscle cramps.
  • Increases bone density.
  • Naturally promotes & regulates sleep.
  • Supports the libido.
  • Promotes vascular health.
  • When a person takes in the proper amount of
    water each day, 84Salt pure pink crystal salt will
    actually help regulate, not increase, blood pressure.
  • Sole solutions of natural spring water and pure pink
    crystal Himalayan 84Salt can detox the body, reduce
    eye fatique, assist in rebalancing weight, hydrate 
    the skin, reduce swelling and speed healing of
    bug bites and wounds.

10 ways to use Himalayan Salt for health benefits  
© 2017, Michele Avanti, Roseburg, OR
(excerpt from my upcoming book)

1) Take a teaspoon of Sole in a glass of water each day
before you drink or eat anything. Note: Sole is not Salt,
it is a salt solution made by filling a glass container with water
and adding Himalayan salt to it, enough that no more salt 
can dissolve in the water. You will see crystals floating or
laying at the bottom of the jar. Now you have sole. It is this
solution that will be use. One teaspoon of sole solution mixed
with water for your daily heath regimen. Doing this will leave
an energetic imprint in the body and create more balance
and more energy. This imprint has been tested to only
last 24 hours.

2) Take a Himalayan Salt Bath to detox the body and
rejuvenate the skin. Approximately 2.6 pounds of Himalayan
Salt to a tub of water will give you the perfect sole solution
for a bath. This is as close to amniotic fluid as you can get.
Do not use any soaps or other additives to this water. Rest
in it for 20 - 45 minutes. If you have severe circulatory
problems, DO NOT take a sole bath. Better to do a little detoxing 
at a time such as the socks detox below, till you get healthier.

3) Easy detox using Sole soaked gloves or socks. This
is a simple and gentle way to detox over time. Wear a pair
of gloves or socks which you have soaked in sole and
squeezed enough so they are not dripping wet. Put these
on and wrap your hands or feet in a towel and rest for 45
minutes. You can also do a major detox if you are a healthy
person without circulatory problems, by soak a white
long-sleeved shirt in sole and wearing it, wrapped in a terry
robe or towel and resting for 45 minutes. This can be very
helpful for a child or adult suffering from respiratory problems.

4) Nasal Spray can be made from Sole and water mixed
in a neti pot or nasal sprayer. This can be helpful for all kinds
of breathing problems including asthma. 

5) Deodorant can be made from Sole and water in a spray
bottle or you can just use a deodorant bar of Himalayan salt
and rub it lightly under the arms after you shower.

6) If you suffer from smelly feet, use the deodorant spray on them. 

7) If you suffer from fungus under toenails or fingernails,
soak your feet or hands in a sole solution everyday till the
fungus is gone. If the fungus is severe, consider soaking 
twice a day and also wearing sole gloves or socks to bed at night.

8) Toothpaste can be made from a 50/50 combination of fine
ground Himalayan salt and baking soda. This is a thousand
times healthier than any toothpaste in the market, and it is
very cheap to make!

9) Because Himalayan Salt is anti-fungal, anti-microbial and
anti-bacterial, you can make a sole spray to use on bug bites,
stings. It will make any wound heal faster.

10) When Himalayan salt is heated it gives off negative ions, 
which make a person feel happy. So keeping a salt lamp lit is 
one way of getting negative ions into your environment. 
This increases relaxation and a healthy sleep. If you live in a 
place heated by radiators, you can keep a Himalayan Salt Tile 
or a pyrex bowl of Himalayan Salt chunks on the radiator and 
that will warm the salt and release negative ions into the air.  

84Salt Himalayan Salt Sole 
© 2017, Michele Avanti, Roseburg, OR 
(excerpt from my upcoming book)

When 84Salt Pink Crystal Himalayan Salt combine with water, 
the negative poles of the water molecules surround the positive 
ions of the salt crystals, while at the same time, the negative ions 
in the salt are surrounded by the positive polarized particles of 
the water molecules. This interchange activates an energy bond, 
which changes the structure of the water and the salt. It creates 
an entirely new energy substance, no longer water or salt. The 
interchange frees each element from its restrictions and thus 
activates a higher frequency. It is through this interchange that 
sodium is separated from chloride, both elements are ionized, 
and stored energy is released.

Making Sole: 

In a wide-mouthed jar  that has a tight fitting lid

preferably one with a non-metal lid

Fill it one quarter with Himalayan Salt

You can use chunks, or any grind. 

Then fill the jar with natural spring water 

(or a good quality pure water,) 

Completely cover the salt.

If you are using coarse or chunks 

let it sit overnight. 

If you are using a fine salt, 

You can shake to make it dissolve faster

How do you know it is Sole?

When most of the salt is dissolved and 

you can see crystals floating in the water.  

Now you have created Sole. 


Keep the container tightly covered to 

prevent the water from evaporating. 

Otherwise, no special storage is needed. 

The Sole will keep forever! 

Himalayan Salt is naturally 

  • anti-bacterial, 
  • anti-fungal & 
  • anti-microbial. 

It simply cannot spoil or go bad.

When Using Sole: 

As you use the sole, you can add 

more water to your jar. 

To confirm that you still have sole, 

you should always see un-dissolved 

salt crystals either floating or on 

the bottom of the jar. Eventually 

the salt will dissolve, and at that point 

you can either add more salt or 

start the process over again. 


Never add a teaspoon of Himalayan Salt 

directly to a glass of water thinking 

that you're taking Sole. You are not. 

Sole is something completely different. 

One teaspoon of Sole contains 

only 478 mg of Sodium

That’s equivalent to 20% of the USDA’s 

recommended daily maximum of 2,500 mg. 

Whereas 1 teaspoon of Himalayan Salt 

contains 2,292 mg of sodium

By adding salt directly to your glass of water, 

you cannot create the benefits or effects, 

which result from adding sole to water!

Daily Health Regimen: 

Before bed, take a glass of natural spring water 

and add one teaspoon of the Sole to it. 

Place this on your nightstand to drink as soon 

as you wake the next morning. 

By drinking this tonic each morning, 

your body will receive an energetic imprint 

which will balance and energize your body. 

This imprint is known to diminish after 

24 hours, so it’s wise to do this everyday.

This regimen will increase your health by 

  • balancing PH, 
  • blood pressure, 
  • neuron transmissions, and thus the 
  • energy of every cell in your body.


Sole = A fully saturated solution of water and 

Himalayan Salt.

The water becomes saturated with salt when 

the water can no longer dissolve more salt. 

At this point, the salt crystals remain undissolved 

on the bottom of the jar, indicating that the solution 

has reached its saturation limit. 

Once the water is fully saturated with salt, 

it has become Sole.

Sole Solution = When we speak of a 

sole solution, we speak of a diluted quantity 

of the concentrated Sole in water. When we 

take the fully saturated Sole and add water 

to it, we create a Sole solution.

The Concentration of Sole: 

This refers to the ratio of water to salt

in a sole solution.

Making a 1% Sole Solution* From Sole               

Sole is the water that contains your 

Himalayan Salt Stones in it.

Quantity of Water

Quantity of Sole


1 Cup (8 oz.)

1 1/2 




Daily Regimen

1 Quart (4 Cups)

2 Tablespoons 


2 Quarts (1/2 Gallon)




3 Quarts (12 Cups)




4 Quarts (1 Gallon)

1/2 Cup



2 Gallons (32 Cups)

1 Cup



3 Gallons (48 Cups)

1 1/2 Cups



4 Gallons (64 Cups)

2 Cups



5 Gallons (80 Cups)

2 1/2 Cups



6 Gallons (96 Cups)

3 Cups



10 Gallons (160 Cups)

5 Cups



100 Gallons

50 Cups

Jacuzzi or Pool

*Sole Solution = When we speak of a sole solution, 

we speak of a diluted quantity of the concentrated 

Sole in water. When we take the fully saturated Sole 

and add water to it, we create a Sole solution. Many 

therapeutic application for Himalayan Salt require 

a Sole solution.

For Example:
A 1% Sole solution is 1 part Sole and 99 parts water.
A 5% Sole solution is 5 parts Sole and 95 parts water.
An 8% Sole solution is 8 parts Sole and 92 parts water, 
and so on.

How To Make Various Sole Solutions with 

Fine Granulated Himalayan Salt

For Eyes & Nose 

To wash your eyes or nose

Use a 1% solution

You can instantly make the 1% Solution by 

adding 1/2 Teaspoon Fine HImalayan Salt to 7 ounces water.

For Inhalation Bathing

To clear sinus & bronchial passages

Use a 1% Sole Solution. You can make this instantly

by adding 2 Teaspoons Fine Salt to 34 ounces water

Best to do this with hot water in a sink basin or

little tub. Get a towel and put your face over the 

tub with the towel over your head, relax and breath

in and out for as long as the water is hot and steamy

For Full Tub Bathing Detox

Add from 2.2 to 4.5 pounds of fine salt to 

a full tub of water.

For Partial Bath like Foot Bathing

Use a 10% Sole Solution. To make this instantly 

add 12 tablespoons to 2 quarts of hot water.

Note:You can also add essential oils to your baths.

This can help relax or energize your body. Make sure you

purchase organic oils. We recommend Rocky Mountain Oils

because they have great prices & high quality oils.

  • Lavender is great for relaxing.
  • Peppermint will energize.
  • Orange will elevate your mood.
What you receive in this auction
  • One Himalayan Salt Inhaler, 
  • Packed in a simple white box,
  • Plus Two packages (totalling over 2 oz) 
    of pure Himalayan pink crystal salt, 
  • Quality microsuede drawstring carrying pouch 
  • Complete Instructions written in English. 
  • We also include a thank you sheet with instructions 
    for making sole, sole solutions, and how to use them. 

Our 84Salt, Natural Solution Salt Inhaler has been featured 
on a major television show, the doctor's name is the same as 
the land where Dorothy landed. If you have not seen it, you 
might want to watch to learn more about it, just google his 
show and the words Himalayan Salt Inhaler. 


FREE First Class Mail to any address delivered by the 
United States Postal Service, including: Alaska, Hawaii, 
all APOs, Puerto Rico, etc.  

We ship every day Monday - Friday (and most Saturdays too) 
If funds clear by 7am, your item will be shipped out same day.

Need it Faster? Priority Mail $6.00

We normally accept returns as long as an item arrives just as it 
was when it left here, however since this is a health item and 
once in a buyer's home they can put their mouth on it, we cannot 
accept a return in this instance because we would not be able to 
resell it. 

But if for any reason the item is damaged or we have made a 
mistake, notify us immediately and we will take care of the matter. 
We stand behind everything we sell and will do our best to make 
any situation right. Your happiness with everything you purchase 
from us is our first concern. Our phone number is on our home 
page bottom left. And once you make a purchase you will receive 
our direct email as well. We check these many times each day. 

I recently received this question from a customer. 

Where is the Organic Certification?
Himalayan Salt is organic in a different way than we usually use
the word. In today's standard the word organic is used to identify
products that come from plant fibers, whether vegetable, grain or
other types of plants. The terminology indicates that an agency has
recorded and tested the soil for a period of 13 years and determined
that no chemical substances such as insecticides, herbicides, or other
toxic substances have been added to the soil. But Himalayan Salt is
naturally organic and does not grow in soil, nor is it in an atmosphere
where there is any type of spraying going on. Our salt has never been
subjected to any form of additives, thus it is naturally organic. But
cannot be called organic by the federal term since it is not within the
framework of being subjected to soil or in the case of animals being
given any toxic products. This is why when I state it is organic, I do not
give certified by Oregon Tilt for example. There has never been and would
never be a reason to spray anything into a salt mine since salt is naturally
anti-microbial, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial. I hope this explains my use
of the word organic. Thank you for the question!

We wish you every blessing in life!