Here at TeaCakes of Yorkshire, we have been supplying the very best quality fresh

products to many types of business around our beautiful region, we are a small family company and  

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Quangzhou Milk Oolong

An unmistakable burst of wild orchid exquisitely balanced with milky cream notes, a superior tea that's an absolute must for Oolong fans. The tea is produced in relatively small quantities from March to December; in fact, only 80,000 kg are produced with about 60,000 kg heading for the export market.

One of the many legends explains that the first time this shift occurred was centuries ago when the moon fell in love with a comet passing through the night sky. The comet, as all comets do burnt out and vanished. The moon, in sorrow, caused a great wind to blow through the hills and valleys bringing about a quick drop in temperature. 

The next morning, local tea pluckers went out to collect their fresh leaf. To their surprise, when the tea was processed it had developed an amazing milky character, which was attributed to the character of the old moon.

Milk Oolong, like all Oolongs, is considered a Semi-fermented 
tea meaning it is somewhere between a black and green tea. Over the years, production methods have remained unchanged for the most part although some aspects like withering temperatures have been automated and regulated. First, the leaf produced between March and December is plucked from gardens  situated between 500 – 1200 meters.

Next, the plucked leaf is withered in air-conditioned rooms until it is has reached the desired level of fermentation. The fermented tea is rocked or sifted to sort the prime leaf required, and steamed over a hot fire. Finally, the tea is dried then re-sorted to ensure leaf quality and packed.

It's wonderful milky flavour is the result of a very rare sudden shift in temperature during harvest.

Another outstanding oolong for people who like their tea smooth and silky, this milk oolong is as good as they get, a wonderfully rounded crisp infusion of the highest quality, why not treat you or an appreciative friend to an experience of this highly prized gem.

Origin: China

Ingredients: Oolong tea

Region: Fujian Province – WuYi Mountains

Caffeine Guide: Low

Growing Altitudes: 1500 – 4900 feet above sea level.

Antioxidant Content: High

Grade: Ti Kuan Yin Super

Infusion Colour: Tending greenish

Process: Semi-fermented, Traditional process, Small batch crafted and formed.

Taste: Milky

Brewing Recommendations

 Allow boiled water to cool to 82°C then infuse 1 heaped teaspoon per 260ml water for 3-7 minutes according to taste. 

The leaves can be reinfused up to 3 times.



Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight

We are truly passionate about tea and keen to share the experiences offering free samples with each order over 50g on our website.

All products are sealed in our high-performance foil lined natural kraft paper bags to preserve all the positive beneficial properties and natural outstanding taste.

Visit us for a definitive guide to the wonderful world of tea, find out where and how your tea is grown, how it is naturally processed and selected for our quintessential collection. We also have useful tips and advice for brewing to get the very best results every time. We go to great lengths to select the very best grade packaging to preserve all the great qualities in our outstanding teas and tisanes and also have essential best storage recommendations, offers, free samples and much more …