10-Pack Headset Hygiene Cover, Headphone Cover, 

Earphone Cover in Black


Headset receicers of diameter 6cm ~ 8cm

Item Description:

Headset Hygiene Cover, Headphone Cover, Earphone Cover in Black

Headset Hygiene

Can your employee get ear infections from their headset?

Yes. Call handlers wear a headset all day, every day. Employers must ensure that it is fully adjustable, cleaned and checked regularly, repaired immediately, if necessary, and not shared. As the HSE's Initial Advice points out "There is an increase risk of ear irritation and infection because are worn so intensively."

Caring for headsets: Suggested by Manufacturers.

Caring for headsets according to the instruction manuals from headset manufacturers.

Ear Cushions should be replaced every six months (or sooner, if soiled).

Not happening. No company is following the written instructions for headset users, suggested by the manufacturer. Simply because the cushions are soiled the first day you wear them. That's why the cushions are gray and black, so you won't see the dirt, and it is costly to replace cushions at a minimum once a week for every employee.

Encourage agents to use towlettes (these towlettes should not contain alcohol), to clean and disinfect headsets.

Not happening. Agents simply don't have the time to allow the headset cushions to dry. They must on the phone as required.

Damp cloth and a little soap is fine.

Not true. Nothing is going to kill all the germs and infections accumulated in the foam cushions of the headset. Again, agents simply don't have the time to wait for the ear cushion(s) to dry.

All of these suggestions are great except:

Companies must take into account the high turn over in the work environment and the expense for ensuring each employee is supplied with a clean headset.

There is a high risk of passing germs, infections, and bacteria from one user to the other.

Also, some end users are allergic to the foam cushions.

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