Fast Shipping
Great Products
Experienced Seller

Agilent (Hewlett Packard) QFBR-53D4 IM, TR 



Agilent (Hewlett Packard) QFBR-53D4 IM, TR 1.25GBPS, 850NM LASER PROD CLASS 1

We accept payment by any of the following methods:


"Buyer is responsible for any duities, taxes, or VAT resulting from export of this item purchased and we will not provide our Tax ID if requested".

We offer Fast Shipping on all orders!

Your order will normally be dshipped the same day if ordered by 2:00 p.m. EST. and receipt of payment or, within 1 working day of receipt of payment if ordered after 2:00 p.m.EST. (Monday-Friday).  You should expect to receive your item in two to three days. International shipments will take longer to receive.

In the very unlikely event that your item is lost or damaged during shipment, then WE are responsible and will issue either a full refund or replacement if stock is available, buyer's choice.

Return period for test and electrical equipment is 90 days from the date received all other items have a 30-day return period.

If you receive a delivery and the package is damaged, please notify the carrier immediately. If the item is received damaged the buyer has three (3) days to notify us and to open a return request/claim for damaged goods. We insure all items over $100 so if something is received damaged, please keep all packaging material with the unit to assist us in filing a claim with the carrier.

Please contact us in the unlikely event that you have any problems with an item purchased.

Agilent (Hewlett Packard) QFBR-53D4 IM, TR 1.25GBPS, 850NM LASER PROD CLASS 1 (122194)
Fast Shipping
Experienced Seller
Agilent (Hewlett Packard) QFBR-53D4 IM, TR 1.25GBPS, 850NM LASER PROD CLASS 1

Agilent (Hewlett Packard) QFBR-53D4 IM, TR 



We accept payment by any of the following methods:


"Buyer is responsible for any duities, taxes, or VAT resulting from export of this item purchased and we will not provide our Tax ID if requested".

We offer Fast Shipping on all orders!

Your order will normally be dshipped the same day if ordered by 2:00 p.m. EST. and receipt of payment or, within 1 working day of receipt of payment if ordered after 2:00 p.m.EST. (Monday-Friday).  You should expect to receive your item in two to three days. International shipments will take longer to receive.

In the very unlikely event that your item is lost or damaged during shipment, then WE are responsible and will issue either a full refund or replacement if stock is available, buyer's choice.

Return period for test and electrical equipment is 90 days from the date received all other items have a 30-day return period.

If you receive a delivery and the package is damaged, please notify the carrier immediately. If the item is received damaged the buyer has three (3) days to notify us and to open a return request/claim for damaged goods. We insure all items over $100 so if something is received damaged, please keep all packaging material with the unit to assist us in filing a claim with the carrier.

Please contact us in the unlikely event that you have any problems with an item purchased.