This is NEW stock direct from Australian dealer, Kustom Ink. All stock listed by Kustom Ink has never been thumbed, used or read.

Sideburn is the world’s finest, most glamorous, most colourful, most informative, global-reaching go fast, turn left magazine. All right, the world’s only go fast, turn left magazine! The place where every weekend is a dirty weekend.

COVER STAR: Drake McElroy. BIKES: Baer Racing KTM 1000 GNC racer - Honda CRF450 cafe motard - Maico Mega 2 490 - Suzuki Boulevard fat tyre desert racer -
1930s Norton Dirt Track - Trackmaster Titan 500 - Yamaha XS650 street tracker. PEOPLE: Jared Mees - Ian 'Tiddler' Turner - Dimitri Coste - Stu Egli - Marc Marquez.
PLACES: Barcelona - Black Rock Desert, Canterbury - Misano.

Available: April 1, 2015.

Kustom Ink Australia.

Traditional hotrod, kustom and motorcycle magazines and DVDs.Since 1999.

At Kustom Ink, we stock the latest and back issues of Burnout, Car Kulture Deluxe, CHURCH, Chopped, Cast Iron, DicE, Dirty, Hop Up, Lowside, Kustoms Illustrated, Mag-neto, Ol' Skool Rodz, One Percent, Rolls & Pleats, Show Class, Sideburn, Traditional Rod & Kulture Illustrated and TIKI magazine plus more........including Mad Fabricators Society DVDs, Atomic Hotrods DVDs, Hotrod Havoc and Two Wheel Terrors DVDs, One World Studios DVDs and Lowbrow Customs, Four Aces Cyles and Frank Kaisler DVDs.