NEW GS 23b tube. One or more. The GS-23B power tetrode generates and amplifies power at up to 1,000 MHz in RF equipment. The GS-23b is generally considered to be similar to the 4CX1600U.

  • Type: tetrode;
  • Application field: power amplification up to 1,5kW and 1000MHz in special equipment;
  • Brief application: Amplification, RF heating;
  • Cathode: indirectly heated, oxide-coated;
  • Envelope: metal-ceramic;
  • Cooling method: forced air;
  • Height: at most 120 mm (4,7"); diameter: at most 90 mm(3,5"); mass: at most 1.1 kg (2,51 Lbs).
  • Output power: 1.5 kW
  • Max anode voltage: 2500V;
  • Max anode pick voltage: 3500V;
  • Max cathode current: 1.9A;
  • Max anode dissipation power: 1500W;
  • Max the first grid dissipation power: 1.5W;
  • Max the second grid dissipation power: 12W.