Another epic film from Taylor Steele.

Experience one of Taylor Steeles later surfing epics!

With so much footage left in the can after Stranger Than Fiction, here is Days of the Strange... the days of filming you did not see.

Plus there is a fresh batch of new bangers from all the usual suspects shot over the last few months.

Starring Julian Wilson, Dane Reynolds, Jordy Smith, Shaun Cansdell, Mike losness, Kelly Slater, Dion Agius, and many more. Soundtrack by Modular.

What the critics say:

- What do you do when you have too much good footage? That is the problem that Taylor Steele had after his last surf movie, Stranger Than Fiction. So he took the rest of his footage of the best waves with the best surfers and gives us this movie - Days of the Strange. Worth the watch.