50 Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum) Seeds, Goji Berry / Wolfberry Exotic Home Plant Fresh Seeds


The Goji Berry is native to the Himalayas and inner Mongolia where it has been used for thousands of years as food and for its health benefiting properties. The fruit are very high in antioxidants and vitamin C, they have a sweet, juicy taste comparable to cranberries or plums. The Goji Berry is a sprawling shrubby vine, the fruits are small, shiny red.
Used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, Goji berries are extremely nutritionally dense and high in antioxidants. Claimed to enhance the immune system, improve eyesight and circulation, and protect the liver, Goji berries are truly a super food.
Bright orange-red, 1/2- to 1-in. berries have a slightly sweet, mildly tangy flavor. Berries can be eaten fresh, made into juice, wine or herbal tea, or dried and enjoyed as a snack similar to raisins.
The Goji shrub will grow 8-10 ft. in full sun to partial shade, with emerald foliage on graceful, vine-like branches. Star-shaped blooms in shades of white, lilac and purple will appear in early summer, with fruit ripening in July. It will continue to fruit and flower until heavy frost. With no known pest or disease problems and high tolerance to drought, once established, the Goji shrub is an easy plant to grow. Potted plants. Zones 5-9.

Zones: 5 - 9.
Height: 8 - 10 feet.
Shade Requirement: Full sun to partial shade.

How to Grow Goji Berries From Seeds

1.To sprout seeds before planting (or plant the them directly in soil and skip the sprouting process), place the seeds on a damp paper towel on a tray, and keep them covered and moist until you see sprouts (about 10 days). Follow the directions that follow to plant the sprouted seeds.

2.To plant seeds in soil use small-plant starter pots filled with a sterilized seed-starting mixture. Cover the seeds with a light layer of soil and water with a spray bottle. Place the container in a warm spot and keep the soil moist until the plants emerge. Cover the pots with newspaper or paper towels to help keep the moisture in, but be sure to check them daily. Expect to see seedlings in four to six weeks.

3.Move the seedlings to a sunny location and keep the soil moist. When they are two to three inches tall, transplant them in small containers. They need full sun and loose organic soil to encourage growth. Put them outside in a protected area.

4.When the plants are large enough, they can be planted in large containers filled with organic potting soil or in the ground. Mix organic compost with the soil. The young plants need loose, nutrient-rich soil to encourage root growth. This should be their final location. Spring is the best time to plant your goji berry plants. Select a location in your garden that gets full sun and has room for the mature plants. Gently place the plants in their containers or in the prepared ground, cover the roots with soil and water thoroughly. Place a layer of mulch on top of the soil to retain moisture. Water enough during the first growing season to prevent the roots from drying out.

5.Goji berry plants are shrubs with gray-green leaves. Expect to see the first purple and white flowers in about three years. You may start to see bright red fruit that year, but it will take another year or two before your plants are covered with goji berries.

Soil Requirements: Will grow in almost any type of soil, except wet soggy soil, tends to fruit best in well-drained soil of moderate quality. Likes an alkaline soil with a pH of 8.2 - 8.6.
Watering: Medium
Pruning: Heavy pruning will help keep the plant looking nice, and increase berry production. Can also be trained to a support. The older the plant, the more upright it can be trained.

Buy With Confidence

We aim to provide our customers with the highest quality product and service. As with all seeds 100% germination success should not be expected although we select varieties known for their relatively higher success rates.

Please note:

Every effort is taken to ensure the quality of our seeds. Germination is affected by such factors as temperature, moisture content, light intensity and contamination of planting media. Although we do everything possible to get seeds to you in the best possible condition these factors are totally outside of our control and once you receive the seeds its over to you.  Consequently, we can take no responsibility for the suitability to your local conditions of any variety offered, the indicative cultivation advice provided or ultimately the varieties performance.  As such you should seek local advice to carefully ensure your local conditions and the time of season are appropriate to the variety purchased.




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