120 Tablets

The product increases testosterone level, intensifies body resistance during training, improves overall disposition and concentration. It also ensures better post-effort regeneration capability. D-aspartic acid (DAA) is a non-protein amino acid exerting a physiologic effect. DAA occurs in hypophysis, hypothalamus and testicles and is a product of L-aspartic acid metabolism. DAA plays an important role in the control of sex hormones production, exerting a strong physiologic effect consisting in a considerable increase of the luteinizing hormone (LH) level and therefore intensification of testosterone biosynthesis in men – a very strong anabolic hormone. Supplementation with DAA also helps to increase the content of GH and the secretion of nitrogen oxide (NO). DAA also increases the level of neurotransmitters: dopamine and G A B A, the factors improving memory and having anti-depressive effect. Due to a vast range of physiologic effects of D-aspartic acid, the DAA 1000 TABS is an irreplaceable supplement both in muscle mass building and in body shaping. In order to ensure an optimum dosage of the DAA 1000 TABS, one should take 2 tablets 2 hours before training and 2 tablets before going to bed. Recommended period of D-aspartic acid treatment – 4 weeks.


DAA 1000 Facts:

D-Aspartic Acid 1000 mg


DAA 1000 Directions:

4 tablets a day.