Derm-plus Acne, 1 botella de 30 gr

Acne y reducción y/o remoción de cicatricesa y efectivamente trata:
Acné, cicatrices de Acné, manchas obscuras, y marcas de estiramiento.
Este producto mantiene su piel saludable, radiante y fresca

Los ingredientes de Dermoplus Acné son naturales, así que no debe preocuparse por efectos secundarios.
Los ingredientes son altamente efectivos para combatir hasta el peor acné.

Rapidamente reduce brotesw de acné
Ayuda a reducir el Acné y cicatrices del Acné
Reduce piel sensitiva al acné
Dermoplus Acné es un producto fácil de aplicar
Uso: Previamente lave y seque la piel afectada por el acné, remueva maquillaje, cremas o aceites. Aplique una vez al día con un masage en el area que necesita tratar.  Durante el uso de este producto no se exponga al sol y utilice un bloqueador solar.

Derm-plus Acne, 1 bottle 30 gr

Acne and Scars Reduction and/or removal System Effectively treats:
Acné, Acne scars, Acne blemishes, Dark Spots, and Stretch Marks.
This product keeps your skin looking healthy, radiant and fresh!

The ingredients in this product are natural, so you don’t have to worry about any side effects.
The ingredients are highly effective to tackle even the worst acne.

Rapidly target Acne Breakouts naturally
Helps reduce Acne, and Acne scars
Reduces the worst acne prone skin
Easy to use gel
Usage: Previously rinse and dry the affected skin, remove make up, creams or oils. Apply once daily with a soft massage in the area you need to treat. During the use of this product avoid the sun.  Use sun block to avoid skin damage.

Derm-plus Acne, 1 bottle 30 gr

Acne and Scars Reduction and/or removal product that Effectively treats:
Acne, Acne scars, Acne blemishes, Dark Spots, and Stretch Marks.
This product keeps your skin looking healthy, radiant and fresh

The ingredients in this product are natural, so you don’t have to worry about any side effects.
The ingredients are highly effective to tackle even the worst acne.

Rapidly target Acne Breakouts naturally
Helps reduce Acne, and Acne scars
Reduces the worst acne prone skin
Easy to use gel
Usage: Previously rinse and dry the affected skin, remove make up, creams or oils. Apply once daily with a soft massage in the area you need to treat. During the use of this product avoid the sun.  Use sun block to avoid skin damage.