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Sharpest lens you ever had for medium format ! ! !
Now for use with electronic shutterPhaseOne IQ3 
(101 Megapixel on 40 x 54mm )
 Extremly high resolution high contrast reconnaissance lens manufactured by

                        Carl Zeiss Oberkochen 

Sony announced the production of a 150 Megapixel sensor
with a 51x55mm format. It will be used in the next 
generation PaseOne back. 
The pixel size will be smaller than 4 micrometer, this will
result inmore than 250 dots per millimeter, will say it is a 
14K sensor.
This will force you to look for high resolution medium format 
The actual lenses for this format are very sharp in the center,
and the off axis performance if fairly good enough for 
80 Megapixel sensors, but if you are checking the corners
of your 41x55mm image, you will see their limits.
I just can repeat : the Carl Zeiss S-Topar A2 can manage
sensors up to 1 Gigapixel with an extremly high contrast.
To produce lenses with this performance will cost more than
                      $ 10,000 !!!!
           I also have some special
Carl Zeiss S-Topar 2/57mm lenses giving 1,4 Gigapixel on 41x55mm ( they are coming in special prism mounts ).
Ask me !

I just want to mention that the days of cheap Topars a gone. 
Now, with the release of the 101 megapixel sensor PhaseOne IQ3 
with electronic shutter the S-Topar A2 2/80mm is able to show its 
outstanding performance. 
However, with each new sensor generation, it will unroll its extraordinary
optical power more and more.
I will rise the selling price from month to month, ending up to its original price.
If you already own one, keep it. If you intend to buy one, do it now.

Important to know :  since the back focal distance
is just 25,5mm, it is just for use with mirrorless 
cameras ! And please have in mind that, caused
by its exotic design, the large section of the Topar
has to face to the sensor / film !
I added two pictures showing its original triple mounting in the camera.

Designed for 72x72mm image size, image circle 110mm.

Yes, it has an iris, and yes, it has an image circle  of 110mm at infinity , in a distance of 25,5 mm from rear element ( like Hasselblad SWC )
The military reconnaissance camera ( still in use ) has an image of 72 x 72 mm ( diameter 102 mm ).
I tested the  110 mm image in my optical lab., but I also found, that the total illuminated image on the focusing screen has an diameter of 136 mm.
I did not test the performance wider than 110 mm, but on the screen it looks pretty sharp. 
Since it was designed for infinity, its performance closer than 10 meters is lower than above 10 meters.

However, I am suggesting 6x7 format, and here the the resolution will outperform the next sensor generations for more than 20 years.

On analog film you will be able to produce more than 
Back focal distance 25,5mm ( distance from rear barrel edge
to the focal plane at infinity. Please have in mind, that these
aerial reconnaissance lenses are the latest state of the art
in high resolution optical design, highly specialized in high
contrast imaging power, never avalable for civilian markets.
The best lens you can get for 6x7, ever. Original cost : over 20,000 $
More info ( aerozeiss ( at ) )
See also my ebay listing at aerozeiss2 !