Organic Rye Sourdough Starter - fed with certified organic rye flour

80g - Free 1st class postage

Once received you can make as much starter as you wish so 80 is more than enough to start with.

This starter has been in the family for many years and produce excellent results.

Easy to maintain due to the old age. Instruction included plus delicious pancake recipe.

My Rye sourdough starter has only ever been fed with organic rye flour and contains no wheat.

Rye bread contains large amounts of fibre and a small amount of fat. Rye bread has a low glycemic index which means it does not cause a spike in blood sugar as white bread does – thereby is beneficial to diabetic patients.

Whole grain rye flour has more soluble fibre than whole-grain wheat flour thereby making whole grain rye more effective for controlling the cholesterol level in the blood which is responsible for heart disease and high blood pressure.

Rye is very useful in a wheat free diet or where wheat intolerance is experienced.

Sourdough is a bread product made by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeasts.

Sourdough Starters are a flour based mix containing wild yeasts that give sourdough bread its distinctive and sophisticated flavour.

Fresh, live sourdough starters. Ready for your first sourdough bake immediately.

To make a good sourdough you need a reliable starter culture. Dried cultures can be difficult to activate – so I only sell fresh, live sourdough cultures which are very reliable and easy to get going.

You can also make other breads with a sourdough starter such as pita bread, ciabatta, pancakes, pizza and bagels.