Manufactured for PL Nutrition
2 Bottles 120 Tablets
Made in USA
Benefits of Elk Velvet Antler:
Delay the aging process 
Speed the healing of wounds
Improve fertility and care men's sexual health
Improve the health of the skeleton-muscular system

What is Elk Velvet Antler?
Elk velvet is the soft epidermis covering the inner cartilage and growing bones that develop into the antlers of young Elk males. Thanks to the fact that the antlers regenerate each year and the harvesting is harmless to the animal, a manufacturer can obtain the velvet for years in a row from the same animals. The velvet is collected with the help of veterinarians or farmers specialized in the domain. The removal process is entirely ethical for the animal that does not suffer in any way, due to the antlers being removed before they fully solidify. Elk loses the antlers naturally every year and grows them back again in the following one. One might think that the producers of supplements containing Elk velvet might as well use these. However, it was discovered that the highest quantity of essential compounds in their structure is found during the early stages of growth. Moreover, the velvet covers them only for so long before becoming completely solid.
The main Elk species used for harvesting are the Japanese Elk and the European red Elk. The process takes place in farms and is conducted by certified farmers after fifty days since the antlers have started growing. For this, various methods such as freezing, drying, and heating are being employed, with some being more efficient than others.

Elk Velvet Composition

Insulin-like Growth Factor-1: naturally produced by the liver, it is used to regulate the body’s growth process. In humans, the highest levels are registered during puberty, when all the body parts develop the most.  A growth hormone is associated with irregularities in how the body reacts to the hormonal changes. IGF-1 is linked to a faster healing process, whether we talk about that of a wound. Some specialists even assume that it might delay the symptoms of old age. By essentially being a protein that only resembles a hormone regarding the mechanism of action, IGF-1 becomes an actual help for the body’s damaged tissues. Such is the case with Elk as well, where IGF-1 acts as a nutrient supply for the antlers during their growth. What the protein does in this situation is increase the number of cells for which reason the antlers can grow up to one inch a day which is quite amazing.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin A sulfate: usually combined in dietary supplements for maximum impact, the two compounds can be found in Elk velvet in generous doses. Both of them are naturally occurring in the human body, which means using more of each. Both of them are used in caring joint pain, muscle soreness or any other kind of bone problem. Many of the products containing them are animal-based, so vegetarians and vegans might want to check the label twice.

Calcium Phosphate: the main form of calcium found in blood, it contributes to healthy, strong bones and might sustain a well-functioning nervous system even well into the old age. Supplements enriched with calcium phosphate prevent tissue damage and help the body on a cellular level.

Calcium carbonate: people use it as it is beneficial both in caring and preventing calcium deficiency; the muscular system, as well as the nervous and vascular ones, can be protected, provided that the body’s calcium levels are kept in the normal range.

Collagen: a protein which the body produces at high levels up to the age of 30 when the levels register a decrease. For this, it is advisable for people who might not feel as energetic as usual or whose skin has started showing signs of old age, to use products containing collagen. Thanks to its three main compounds, lysine, glycine and proline, the cell regeneration process will be enhanced.

Elk velvet also contains, although in smaller quantities:
Hyaluronic acid
Restorative Co-factors
Lysophosphatatidyl choline
Minerals like manganese, potassium or selenium
Vitamins A and E
More than 20 types of amino acids

Elk velvet is 100% natural, with all of its constituents being naturally produced by the human body, therefore being unable to affect it negatively. All of them enjoy numerous studies and have been successfully integrated into supplements and other drugs for decades now. However, it is unsafe to assume that the quantity in which there are found in Elk velvet’s composition is enough for the velvet to impact our health to such a large degree.

Elk Velvet’s Health Benefits

 As of 2016, there are more research projects on Elk velvet than on many other topics or health enhancers, something which says a lot about its real potency. Specialists from developed countries such as China, Japan, Korea or New Zeeland suggest that Elk velvet can successfully be used in caring an entire array of body problems.

In general, people use supplements with Elk velvet to:

Delay the aging process: Elk velvet contains a powerful combination of nutrients of which IGF-1 and collagen are two of the most important. In time, the body’s protein production decreases, so it is necessary to offer it a supply as to enhance the protein synthesis and provide the skin a young-looking aspect for longer.

Improve the immune system’s function: studies have shown Elk velvet’s capacity to increase the number of white and red blood cells which are associated with a healthy immune system. A higher cell number and more effectiveness in connection to how they protect the body from toxins and damaging agents might sustain the body’s ability to fight disease. Also, researchers regard the velvet as a natural adaptogenic substance. This means it can restore the balance inside the body both on a physical and mental level.

Make them feel better: some of Elk velvet’s constituents were shown to be a tough opponent of monoamine-oxidase agents produced by the brain and liver. One study revealed that important neurotransmitters responsible for the mood such as serotonin or norepinephrine inhibited by the agents were less prone to their effect after the patients used Elk velvet.

Enjoy a better sex life: the velvet contains significant amounts of estrogen and androgen that are linked to one’s sexual health and how well the reproductive system works. 

Maintain a good health of their musculoskeletal system: the majority of compounds in Elk velvet contribute one way or the other to the function of one’s muscles and bones. Be it because they hasten the wound healing process or because they can minimize joint pain, they are efficient nonetheless.

Improve athletic performance: one of the reasons for which Elk velvet has become so popular is because it has been extensively used in muscle building supplement. In Russia as well as various countries in Asia, athletes actively use it as a means to increase endurance and fasten the recovery process between training sessions.

Some other benefits include:
Reduction of inflammation and prevention of future infection
A more efficient blood flow and lowered blood pressure
Higher energy levels
An enhanced testosterone and growth hormone production
A clearer thinking process and improved concentration
A better eyesight and hearing
Conclusion: Elk antler velvet is currently one of the most sought after animal-based products by people who want to improve their health and reap the most benefits from this miracle of nature.
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Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container: 30
Daily Value not established.

Thiamin 1mg 67%
Ribofavin 1mg 59%
Niacin (as niacinamide) 1mg 5%
Vitamin B6 (as cyanocobalamin) 1mcg 17%
Biotin 1mg 333%
Pantothenic Acid (as calcium pantothenate) 1mg 10%
Zinc 15mg 100%
Elk Velvet Antler 250mg
Nettle Root Powder 110mg 
Oriental Gingeng (root) 70mg 
Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins 50mg 
Cnidium Monnier 25mg 
Saw Palmetto (extract) 25mg 
Inositol 1mg 
Coline (Bitratrate) 1mg 
PABA 1mg 

OTHER INGREDIENTS: Gelatin, Whey, Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid
SUGGESTED USE: 2 (Two) tablets taken 1 to 2 times daily preferably with meals or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Do not exceed recommended dose. Pregnant or nursing mothers, children under 18, and individuals with a known medical condition 
should consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.