Siz classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" e   140x140x25 mm
Connector   4-pin PWM
Bearing   SSO2
Blade Geometry   A series with Flow Acceleration Channels
Frame Technology   AAO
Rotational Speed (+/- 10%)   2000 RPM
Min. Rotational Speed (PWM, +/-20%)   500 RPM
Airflow   182,5 m³/h
Acoustical Noise   31,5 dB(A)
Static Pressure   4,18 mm H2O
Max. Input Power   2,16 W
Max. Input Current   0,18 A
Voltage   12 V
MTBF   > 150.000 h
Scope of Delivery   Fan
4 Fan Screws
Warranty   6 years
Ingress Protection   IP52
Material   Fibre-glass reinforced polyamide
Motor type   Three-phase