Elixir 11102 Nanoweb 80/20 Bronze Custom Medium Acoustic Strings (13-56)

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Player's Perspective

Elixir® Strings deliver the presence, punch, and detail of traditional electric guitar strings. But when it comes to tone life, there is no comparison. Players report with Elixir Strings their tone lasts longer than any other string, uncoated or coated. These Elixir Strings for acoustic guitar are available with NANOWEB® Coating.

A string is made of a metal core (usually steel), and includes a metal winding on the heavier gauges. As you play your guitar, bass, or other stringed instrument, the uncoated string will quickly accumulate oils, dirt, sweat, and bits of skin that get trapped between the windings. The lack of coating also hastens the corrosion of the metal, and the feel of the dead string begins to hamper your playing performance.

With Elixir Strings, a protective fluoropolymer coating is added to the string via a patented process. The coating forms a barrier between the string and the environment. Since the entire outer surface of the string is coated, the gaps between the winding are protected. As you can see in the photos, after just a few gigs, an uncoated string shows the debris and corrosion in the winding, while the Elixir String remains nearly pristine. Result: With Elixir Strings, players report their tone lasts longer than any other string, uncoated or coated. You'll spend less time and money changing strings, and more time playing.


  • Type: Acoustic
  • Gauges: 13-17-26-35-45-56
  • Core: Steel
  • Coating: Nanoweb