UT-120 - Features

USB based demodulator with support for EN 300-744 DVB-T reception. It can support Worldwide Free to Air Digital Terrestrial (DVB-T) Receptions (5/ 6 / 7 / 8 MHz bandwidth)

Superior sensitivity with dual tuner antenna diversity technology for mobile reception with Doppler enhancement.

Standard Windows DVB-T BDA driver provided

Linux V4L driver support

Windows Media Center compatible DVB-T TV tuner

Receiving frequency range 50~950MHz.

Optional Picture-in-Picture mode that enables two onboard receivers working independently for tuning different channels.


l   Mobile/Portable reception

l   UAV/ UGV

l   FPV

l   FPU/ ENG

l   Real-time AV reception in the stadium, e.g. Sports, Racing, Concert.

l   ccHDtv surveillance DVR

l   Any Commercial DVB-T Rx

l   Picture-in-Picture reception

 Host Requirements

l   CPU: Intel, AMD, ARM, MIPS

l   128MB RAM of system memory or above

l   Higher CPU and memory required if DVB-T audio/video decoding is needed

l   One available USB2.0 or 1.1 port
Note: USB 1.1 can only support 3~5 Mbps stream data rate.



RF connector

Two 50-Ω SMA (female) connecters



5/6/7/8 MHz


2K, 4K, 8K



Code rate

1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8

Guard interval

1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32

Frequency range


USB port

USB 2.0 or USB 1.1


Bare bone  50 x 32mm

 Note: To enable the diversity function, two antennas should be spaced at least 70cm or more to increase the odds to receive better signal from either of the antennas.