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Pole Dancing  Learn To Pole Dance Beginner DVD Tutorial - 4 DVDs


Pole Dancing DVD 1 - The Fundamentals

Disc One is  designed for beginners who want to gain a thorough understanding of the  fundamentals of pole dancing.  Starting with grounded moves and progressing to  first aerial spins and static holds, this volume also includes transitions to  turn your pole moves into pole dance. The disc demonstrates and talks you  through each move using mini-routines to combine what you have learned into a  dance.

Featuring  exclusive live performances to inspire you forward as well as a Special  Features section with pole specific warm-ups, cool-downs and Level One of the  body

Pole Dancing DVD 2 - Flexibility and Co-Ordination

Disc Two takes  you off the ground into the world of climbs, inverts, and preliminary aerial  hangs. More difficult spins, static holds, and kicks are introduced to challenge  your strength, flexibility and co-ordination on the pole.

Featuring more  advanced routines, expert instruction for correct inversions and spotting  techniques as well as handy safety tips to help you get the most out of your  pole experience.


Pole Dancing DVD 3 - Spins and Climbs Intermediate Skills

Disc  Three presents Intermediate Level spins, climbs, and holds off the pole, as well  as preliminary inverted positions and hangs. Presenting on both static and  spinning pole, the disc teaches live with both detailed instruction and  demonstration. Learn the variations on each move as well as finer detail on  correct positioning.

Pole Dancing DVD 4 - Intermediate & Advanced Skills 

Disc Four is  designed for higher-level Intermediate students who have covered the moves from  Volumes One, Two and Three, and are ready for new hand grips, and more advanced  lifts as well as variations of inverted aerial hangs. Challenge your flexibility  and your core strength with moves which can be used both as an extremely  conditioning workout as well as for spectacular pole performance. The Disc  approaches advanced moves with a focus on body positioning and correct  technique. Inverted positions held off the pole are introduced, along with  inverted climbs and completely new mounts and dismounts. The moves given in this  DVD should only be attempted by advanced students.