This is a used Dell Laptop that I have personally tested and everything is running great.

Windows 10 Professional
500 GB 7200 RPM Hard drive

Power Cable

I have stress tested the machine and checked the health of the hard drive with no issues.
I have added a few programs and items for your convenience, including a 1080p+ organized wallpaper collection, but otherwise it is a clean windows 10 installation.

Battery has a very short life, but it can survive for a short time off it's charger.

Additional Note:
If you would like, I can upgrade the hard drive to an SSD as a service.
In the event you are unaware of what an SSD is, it is a very fast and power efficient version of a hard drive.
I recommend it if you can afford the extra cost, as the speed is noticeable in many normal, daily tasks.
I will add a 240GB for $150 - please contact for additional sizes and pricing.

Everything is shipped out within 24 hours.
Please contact me if you have any other questions about my items!