This team includes 21 original and unique miniatures - no 2 single miniatures are the same ! All miniatures have been prepared, converted, painted and based with care and attention. I find the painting level to be of a very decent gaming level.

The team includes all 14 original Skaven miniatures launched in 1991/1992 for the 3rd Ed of Blood Bowl. I added the limited edition Resurrection Gutter Runner and 6 converted Skaven miniatures to assemble the complete team. I'm particularly proud of the Claw Rat Ogre and the Big Hand + Very Long Legs Gutter Runner, both conversions which turned out very well and natural.

This team is composed by the following miniatures :

- 2 Rat Ogres: 1 is the original 3rd Ed Headsplitter; the other is a classic Warhammer Rat Ogre converted with a huge Claw

- 5 Storm Vermin : These include the 2 original Storm Vermin included in the "Skavenblight Scramblers" 3rd Ed Skaven box + the original Skaven mutant Storm Vermin with Claw + 2 converted models (1 with Claw)

- 4 Gutter Runners : These include the 2 original Gutter Runners included in the "Skavenblight Scramblers" 3rd Ed Skaven box + a very nice conversion of a "Very Long Legs + Big Hand" Gutter Runner + a limited edition Resurrection Gutter Runner

- 2 Throwers : The original Thrower from the Skavenblight Scramblers 3rd Ed Skaven box + the original Skaven mutant Thrower with Big Hand

- 7 Linemen : 3 different "ordinary" Linemen straight from the box, 1 Very Long Legs mutant, 1 Extra Arms mutant, 1 conversion with a Claw, 1 conversion with a Chainsaw :-)

- 1 Hakflem Skuttlespike star player with 2 Heads, Extra Arms and Prehensile Tail

Please note I also launch separate bids for a couple of Skaven miniatures which I never succeeded in painting. I will happily combine shipment for multiple wins.

Of all the teams I painted / played, this team is the one I put most effort and love in. Skaven have always been my favourite. I hope this team will find a home with a natural Skaven coach with an agressive playing style, always going for the ball regardless of player sacrifices (there are always plenty more of Skaven to recruit !) and going for max TDs ! I don't care if you will win or lose, just always play all-in with Skaven : win big or lose big, for Skaven there is no in-between.

Practical stuff:

- I only accept payment with PayPal

- I do not accept return of the team

- I will ship to Belgium (10€), EU (15€) or outside of EU (25€); If you're bidding from outside of EU, please do contact me first so I can confirm shipping costs.