Disegno Originale

Autore: Dan Buck (Armour, USA)

Dimensione: mm 115x178

Epoca: 2002


Woman Touching Herself -


Disegno originale a china su carta, incollato su cartoncino.

Firma e data in basso a destra: D.B. 02.

"Dan Buck is a 49-year-old, self-described "brittlediabetic" and cancer patient who lives with his parentsin Armour, South Dakota. He writes for more than 100 self-published and small-press publications on a regular basis. The survivor of a couple of nervous breakdowns, Dan writes to stay sane -- driving to convenience stores to sit in his car, to drink coffee, and to write. His stories -- as short as they are powerful -- are extremely intense and insightful looksat love, codependency, despair, and hope.".


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- Certificato di Garanzia e Legittima Provenienza -

Rilasciamo fattura su richiesta.

I nostri campi di interesse, oltre alle stampe antiche e alle carte geografiche, sono:
l'arte moderna e contemporanea, il figurativo e l'astratto,
la grafica e i quadri con i dipinti e i disegni.


Original Drawing

Author: Dan Buck (Armour, US)

Size: mm 115x178

Age: 2002

- Woman Touching Herself -

Original ink drawing on paper, applied on cardboard. Signed on the lower right corner: D.B. 02.

"Dan Buck is a 49-year-old, self-described "brittlediabetic" and cancer patient who lives with his parentsin Armour, South Dakota. He writes for more than 100 self-published and small-press publications on a regular basis. The survivor of a couple of nervous breakdowns, Dan writes to stay sane -- driving to convenience stores to sit in his car, to drink coffee, and to write. His stories -- as short as they are powerful -- are extremely intense and insightful looksat love, codependency, despair, and hope.".

Warranty and authenticity certificate is enclosed.

Under request, we can release the invoice.

Furthermore than antique prints and maps, we deal with: modern and contemporary art, figurative and abstract, graphic, paintings, drawings.




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