Hand cut guitar pick made from a Canadian 1 cent coin.  Don't be fooled by other picks, none match the quality of these ones.  Not only do I make these by hand, but I also play guitar.  The cut edges are tapered and polished to a mirror finish to ensure no damage or premature wear is caused to the strings, the result is a nice sharp sound and a pick that will last forever.  

I apologize for the shipping cost, but in order to comply with Canada Posts new shipping regulations, all outgoing mail containing anything other than paper is now required to be sent as a parcel with tracking, and their rates start at $14.30.  Each letter is scanned and if metal or plastic is detected it is automatically rejected.  Please know it is not Canadian sellers trying to make money on the shipping, but Canada Post setting the rates.  With that being said, any additional purchases sent within the same package will not get charged any additional shipping.

About the Artist

Wolosiewicz Art

I've always had a love for art. Painting, drawing, sculpture, music.......anything that requires creativity. I like it all. I've always seemed to have a knack for drawing and working with my hands, so I'm naturally drawn to anything art.....amazing considering I'm colour blind. Blue and purple......green and yellow......red and orange......they look the same to me.

I got my first taste of art in high school......and failed. Literally. I got a failing grade in art in grade 10. It's really kinda funny when you think about it.  An artist failing at art......how ironic.

Fast forward a year, I took up drawing and shading using nothing but pencils and a rubbing stump, and slowly introduced coloured pencils. Everyone seemed amazed that being colourblind I could shade and produce art with colour. I don't know how, but I did it. By the time I graduated high school, I also received a diploma in art from Art Instruction Schools.....a correspondence course I took while finishing high school, and I was dabbling in woodcarving. I was featured in our local newspaper, received a partial scholarship to continue my studies in art, and was part of an exhibit in a gallery in a neighbouring city's art district.

As with everyone, life went on. I met my lovely wife, bought a house, and started building our life together. Art slowly got pushed aside, and less work was being created. We had a dog, and while we were gone to work, he would stay in the basement. I came home from work one day......and he found and destroyed my portfolio of artwork I had put away. A devastating blow......I still think about and dearly miss some of the pieces that were completely destroyed. From that moment on, art was gone, I did not create a single piece after that day. I was defeated.

Fast forward 20 years and 3 kids later. I was recently retired from a 10 year career as Sr. Captain and training officer with our Fire Department and was diagnosed with PTSD which forced me into retirement.  I loved the fire department.  I love helping people, this was a devastating blow.  I felt empty.  One day while following the rabbit hole that is YouTube, I came across a video of a guy cutting a coin with a jewellers piercing saw. I was intrigued. I had been thinking of art again now that the kids were getting older and I was finding myself with some free time, so I purchased a cheap starter kit off eBay and tried it out......and immediately I realized just how much I missed the creative side of me. I cut coins with an unmatched fury......anything I could find. I joined several groups on Facebook to network with fellow coin cutters and my love for art was quickly renewed. I cut coins for a while, absorbing any information and tips I could find, and quickly evolved.....all the while, keeping my mind from the pains of the PTSD.

From coin cutting I got into coin jewellery. Key chains, pendants, earrings, etc. But that wasn't quite enough. Then I found wire weaving/wrapping. Wire wrapping was a game changer. The sky is the limit, you are only bound by your creativity. I quickly joined a few groups again, and networked, and spent countless hours wrapping. Creating earrings, bracelets, pendants.....anything jewellery with wire and gemstones. Then an idea struck me. I can cut coins, I'm able to do gold and black rhodium plating, and I can wire wrap......why not combine all 3 into one? It was an instant hit. I could not keep anything in stock, and was booked for several months on custom orders......but it still didn't quite feel right. Like something was missing.

I've always been intrigued with metal work. Forming, casting, bending, shaping, I love it all. My only problem I have is I don't have a shop, so everything I do has to be on a small scale. Miniatures. I have become very good friends with a few silver casters, lucky for me they are the best in their field, and have been happy to not only answer my questions, but I've been fortunate enough to be involved in several international collaborations with them.

My mind has been a sponge, absorbing everything I can about the process of casting........and now chasing and repoussè as well.   That brings me to present day. The pure bliss of engraving and carving.  It’s truly amazing how you can sit and stare into a microscope for hours on end, at an area the size of 1/10 of a penny,  slowly carving away the metal one tiny flake at a time.  Creating engravings and hobo nickels I lose all track of time.  my surroundings dissolve.  It’s almost like it was meant to be.  Using gravers so small you can’t make out the tips.  homemade tools.....literally using sewing needles to carve.  It’s all so fascinating.

What do I create? What do I specialize in? I combine coin cutting, wire wrapping, silver casting, wood carving, antler carving, repoussè, and metal carving/shaping/engraving all into one, and create wonderful miniature sculptures combining all disciplines adorned with gemstones. I am truly excited to what the next evolution will bring.  My office has been removed and transformed into a metal working studio......and art comes alive. I feel the spark within me again, stronger than ever......and there's no extinguishing it this time.