Up for sale is a great, antique Illustrations Page (PORTRAITS) from a Nebraska Atlas.  It includes photos of various people in Nebraska.  1902

It measures approximately 14 1/2 x 17 1/2 inches, including the border area.  It is blank on the reverse side. 

It is from the "STANDARD ATLAS OF DODGE COUNTY - NEBRASKA".  Including a Plat Book of the Villages, Cities and Townships of the County.  Map of the State, United States and World.  Patrons Directors, Reference Business Directory and Departments devoted to General Information.  Compiled and published by George A. Ogle & Co., Publishers & Engravers, Chicago.  Copyright 1902.

There are tears along the left edge from where it was separated from the Atlas. 
It is generally in Good condition. Some age related browning and toning and some spotting and stains. There are some small tears and chips around the edges, but they do not affect the portraits, as well as some other stains here and there.  Some other dings here and there.  There is tape residue along the left edge and at the bottom.  Some creases in the paper and several brown stains.

It would be a great addition to any collection and will look very nice when framed!  

Please note that while I have included a picture of the Title Page of the Atlas that this page was taken from, it is NOT included in the sale, as it is a reference piece to determine authenticity for the other maps and pages.  I would be happy to include a copy if requested.

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