Discover the power of shungite with these beautifully crafted pyramids! Made from the unique, electroconductive mineral found only in Karelia, Russia, these pyramids have a range of amazing properties that make them a must-have addition to any collection.

With their carefully calculated proportions and angles, these pyramids have a strong energetic effect on all living beings and even inanimate objects. The strength of their impact depends on their size and angle of elevation above the surface, as well as the material from which they are made.

Our shungite pyramids come in three sizes: 7cm, 10cm, and 15cm. The 7cm pyramid has a 4.5m radius of action, the 10cm pyramid has a 10m radius of action, and the 15cm pyramid has a 17m radius of action. Choose the size that's right for you and experience the incredible benefits of shungite for yourself!

Scientifically proven and not always explainable properties of pyramids, which are fully applied to the pyramids of shungite. It was found that the radius of the "affirmative" biofield around shungite pyramids exceeds the range of pyramids made from other minerals.

The energy field of pyramid, which is "tuned" to a certain frequency of body and interacts with it on the feedback principle. By tuning the frequency of the cell and entering it into resonance, the pyramid helps to achieve energy balance. As a result of regular usage, person's aura is recharged and strengthened by smoothing body's energy.

Use these pyramids for meditation, relaxation, and to promote physical and spiritual well-being. Whether you're looking for chakra decor, a stunning centerpiece for your home or office, or a powerful tool for energy healing, our shungite pyramids are sure to impress. So why wait? Order yours today and experience the amazing power of shungite for yourself!