Exclusively Fed Certified 100% ORGANIC MILK 


From LOVED AND RESPECTED Grass Fed Cows who graze and live with their offsprings to an old age and are lovingly left to live out their natural lives as 

intended by nature 

ONLY grown in Organic milk! + printed easy to follow instruction

If you prefer grains from Organic RAW milk – please let me know and will post RAW milk grains!

Ready to brew - not dehydrated

10 grams of grains  - enough to get you started making about 250ml of kefir, every day or two!

I have been making kefir for many years and just LOVE this amazing probiotic. It is a powerhouse of beneficial bacteria that helps heal and maintain health. There is MUCH you can find on the internet about the health benefits of this cultured dairy drink. Also, for the lactose intolerance, here is your answer to being able to enjoy dairy once again in your diet. The beneficial yeast and friendly bacteria in the kefir consume most of the lactose (milk sugar) thereby creating a much easier dairy to digest, for those with sensitivity.

You can use soymilk as well as coconut milk for your kefir.

The grains multiply so you can increase your supply of kefir! If well taken care of, you will never have to purchase grains again. Ours are raised in fresh organic milk, straight from a local farm family, not a crowded dairy. These animals are well-loved. :-) Goat milk makes a creamier kefir; cow milk makes a thicker kefir. BOTH work GREAT!

You can use any kind of milk. You do not have to use organic nor do you have to use whole milk.

We drink this sparkling beverage straight, as well as in baking and smoothies - YUM! Add a little vanilla and it helps make it less tart.