Ortofon OM30 Upgrade

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Your definitive place for beautifully
restored Technics turntables

The OM 10 from Ortofon is an outstanding cartridge and an excellent upgrade choice from the OM 5E.

For more information on the OM range - click here

                          Should you require delivery, the turntable will be packaged using professional materials specifically sourced from a local box and packaging manufacturer. The turntable will be very well packaged to maximise protection against damage during transit, which even allows me to successfully ship internationally, even as far as Australia and New Zealand!

  I have many happy buyers all over the world that have used the eBay International Shipping Programme or direct shipping options. I do not look to make extra profit from the delivery charge, only to cover the costs of packaging materials and the delivery charge itself, plus the all important insurance. Therefore, the delivery cost will always be highly competitive.

  I always do my best to ship as quickly as possible and aim to ship well within 5 working days. Please bear in mind that should you request any options, especially a phono lead upgrade or depending on current stocks of cartridges, the dispatch time will be up to 10 days.

  As with shipping any item, there is always the remote chance of damage occurring during transit. I never argue or dispute this with buyers and will always immediately accept a return on any turntable that has been externally or internally damaged as a result of transit. After all, that's what insurance is for!

  Due to their mechanical and electronic nature (not to even mention their age), turntables can rarely sometimes arrive with things that need to be adjusted or corrected which can usually be dealt with via eBay messaging. I always want customers to be totally satisfied with their turntable (please read my 'About Me' section), so I ask customers to just contact me if they have any issues at all.                       


Any of the Technics turntables sold here will produce an exceptionally good quality sound, since they have all been constructed to a base high standard.

With an Ortofon OM 5E cartridge, they will always achieve excellent results from this brilliant all-round performer, and it's no surprise that the OM 5E is fitted to many turntables available in today's market.

Over the years, I have been very fortunate to have the pleasure of listening to a vast range of hi-fi through working for many years in the industry. Many brands have come and gone, but one that has remained consistent over several decades is Ortofon.  Since their introduction, I have been a huge fan of the OM series. They are such a great performing cartridge and have the significant benefit of an interchangeable stylus.  The OM cartridge body is the same for all the range, so you can upgrade by simply changing the stylus. One thing I have learned is that making changes in the right areas can gain superb results, especially when it comes to cartridges and styli.

The interchangeable headshell design of Techics turntables allows cartridges to be swapped out in seconds, giving you the convenience of being able to upgrade without the hassle of disconnecting cartridge bodies and re-aligning them, which can be quite problematic. The OM 10 and OM 30 are an excellent step-up from the 5E and bring more warmth, depth and accuracy to your listening experience. They are offered here pre-mounted and ready to go, so that you can have much greater flexibility in your choice of cartridge. The 2M range are in many ways a modern twist to the OM range and were introduced in 2007. They have a similar design to the OM series and share many of their characteristics. In comparative tests the 2M range deliver a slightly more attacking and forward sound. As with all sound reproduction, the results are always very subjective since we all have different tastes in sound preference. For example, I prefer a very detailed sound, not harsh or too bright, but plenty of bass to go with it. That's probably why I like the OM range so much. However, I find the 2M range very exciting and vibrant to listen to. It also very much depends on your choice of music and type of vinyl as to what cartridge works better and is more matched you individual tastes.

For more information on the OM range - click here

For more information on the 2M Red - click here

For more information on the 2M Blue - click here

                         I love music! It’s one of my lifelong passions.

  I've also grown up with a love and of and an obsession with hi-fi since the late 1970s, when, at the age of 12, I visited Harrods hi-fi department. I put on a pair of Sennheiser headphones connected to a Technics reel to reel tape machine and listened to a master copy of Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' album…….it was the most amazing thing I'd ever heard. From that moment on, I was eternally hooked into high fidelity sound and began my journey as an audiophile.

As an audiophile, I have been immersed in hi-fi for many years and have grown up with pretty much every brand you can think of through all parts of the spectrum. I have many friends in the industry from those within manufacturers to distributors through to dealers. I also managed several hi-fi stores back in the day and worked closely with a friend running a shop in Oxfordshire. Over the years I have learned what goes into making music come to life, having spent many hours demoing equipment, plus visiting and exhibiting at countless shows and exhibitions worldwide.

One of the main points I like to share is that I have learned hi-fi and everything that comes with it is extremely subjective to each listener. What I like compared to someone else can sometimes be polar opposite, or it can sometimes be very similar to what they like. Also, to make things even more complex, equipment can vary significantly in performance, and varying results can be had by connecting different equipment together. Having said that, much of the difference in sound reproduction ultimately happens at the loudspeaker end of the system, and I am adamant about this point, so don't let anyone ever try to convince you otherwise....some might in the audiophile world.... but they are wrong :).

  So when it comes to sound reproduction, there are fundamentals, or foundation parts of the system which are far less subjective. This comes down to sheer quality of the sound being captured along its journey, which is something that can very much be measured and quantified. It is either a good quality signal, a bad one, or something in between.

  In this case, the subjectiveness of the sound we hear is not generally up for discussion. Compare it to watching a VHS video recording from the 1990s played into a brand new Ultra HD OLED TV, compared to a feed from a 4K blu ray recording. The difference in quality would be very apparent (although I have spoken to people who say they cannot see the difference between a low resolution and high resolution video image.....which proves my point about subjectiveness!). An extreme example but hopefully it makes the point. So when we then consider hi-fi sound reproduction at the front end, there are distinct areas of quality that most can agree on without any subjectiveness to discuss. The results are as obvious and the visual example with the TV. You can plug a portable 1970s cassette tape recorder or a 2018 CD player into a £5000 amplifier and speaker system and everyone will likely agree which one sounds better.

When we then get to what I would consider a very respectable level of sound quality from turntables, the differences can still be measured, but become harder to differentiate. So we then all begin to revert to trying to be subjective in how different they sound to us. The other factor to consider here is what I call the 'snob' factor, which is rife in the world of hi-fi. Some will turn their nose up at Technics and the like, just because an elitist brand with all its façade and high price tags tells them something is far superior. I often refer to this as the ‘Apple effect’. If you are familiar with the Apple brand compared to all the other phones on the market, you’ll get my point. Many love the Apple brand, but are they really that much better than other phones and can you justify the price tag?

My quest and enjoyment since my teenage years has been to take the best quality hi-fi components within a budget to create the most impressive sound. I guess this came naturally, as a typical student in the 1980s with a very limited budget! This is where I first discovered that the likes of Technics and some other brands manufactured products that really stood out amongst the rest. Interestingly, it's now only years later that I also realise how much quality went into the design and build of the early Technics turntables, as they are still running and sounding just as superb some four decades later!

I recently had the opportunity of returning to full-time study as a university student. My peers suddenly became a bunch of guys in their late teens/early 20s and I discovered through them there was a rivival of vinyl. One friend in particular was just as obsessed as I was at his age about music and hi-fi, but more interestingly in vinyl. From fixing and restoring Technics turntables for myself, friends and family, it lead to being encouraged by my student friends and others to start restoring these amazing machines for others....so here I am!

I share all of the above experiences to show that my efforts in restoring Technics turntables has come from a deep passion to bring them back to the former glory they rightly deserve and pass this on for others to discover the same. I think it's fair to say that most sellers are only really looking to get a decent return on there sales which most will agree is perfectly fine and acceptable. My angle is to sell Technics turntables because I have always passionately believed in their brand and a desire to share this with others. So my return on the investment I have made in selling Technics turntables is one for the time I take in restoring them and taking much pride in doing so.