Postcard measures 10.5 x 14.8cm

Watermark will not be on the purchased product

Part of the Dark Side of the Blue series by Bowie Bunny - Harebrained Art by Kellie Mar


Also known as the as the Mungoon-galli or the Murra murri by the traditional people of the of the Blue Mountains, the Megalania is a 30-foot monitor lizard thought to have gone extinct 50,000 years ago. However, sightings of this ferocious creature in recent times have people speculating … and fearing for their safety!

Megalania has been spotted tramping across the Blue Mountains, leaving behind gigantic footprints to confirm its awesome size.

Bushwalkers frequently come across huge lizard tracks and deep tail grooves on muddy river banks.

Farmers in the Megalong Valley have witnessed these beasts hunting their stock and have even fired off a couple of rounds but claim the bullets seemed to have no effect on the reptiles.

One even saw a creature carry off an entire cow in its jaws!

The Megalania is best to be avoided at all costs! 
