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About US;  Welcome to Campbellfilms. We are a small American family business, started by a father & son that collects old films. Our goal is to save old films from the trash heap and digitize them in HD for future generations. The Son went to film school and the father is passionate about history and assembles the content. The result is why folks comment positively on the "Quality and Content" of our old films transferred on our DVD's. Although we are not Hollywood, we think that you'll like these old historic films! 

Please note;  Buy 2 or more of any of our DVD's per order from our collection, and we will add a free DVD along with this order of similar topic.

What's on this DVD;   "Hurricane Hunters"

Hurricane Hunters are aircrews that fly into to gather weather data. Currently, the US organizations that fly these missions are the US Navy and USCG.  We hope you'll enjoy.

1st Film: "P2V Neptune Hurricane Hunters".  This is a story about the Navy explaining the early warning system in 1964 using a P2V Neptune aircraft to retreave weather data for this system.  Runtime 14:15 Min's

2nd Film; "Fury of the Wind".  This film is explains how and when hurricanes develop and the damage that can be done to America. P2V Neptune is used also in this film. Great story and footage. B-W.  Runtime 9 Min's.

4th Film; "C-121 Hurricane Hunters". A USN film that uses the famous USN C-121 Super Constellation to fly hurricane missions to gather information of the developing hurricane. This film shows one such mission and the turbulence that they fly through is amazing.   Runtime 20:50 Min's

5th Film; "Project Thunderstorm". After the WWII, the USAF studied weather and problems for aircraft.  One of the aircrafts used was a P-61 variant renamed the F-15. Runtime 35:21 Min's

6th Film; "Hurricane Newsreels". A short collection of newsreels of past hurricanes and there damage. Runtime 5:38 Min's

7th Film; "C-130 Hurricane Hunters HD"  The U. S. Coast Guard use the HC-130 Hercules to track and fly into hurricanes to verify weather stats.  6 Min

Product No.  CFDVD0394

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If you are a Veteran, or have a family member that has old pictures, slides, or 16mm /8mm film and you can't afford to get them transferred, contact us and I'll do it for free.  As a vet, we support our troops, and our goal is to save old film for future generations.